Late Night Meetings

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Standing in the cold. The graveyard has an odd kind of energy. It’s draining. Happiness, peace, love; all gone. Seeing her silhouette approach me is calming. She takes my hand. The guilt that I’m so used to returns once again. My husband would do anything for me. He’s waiting up for me right now.

Love? Is something wrong?

Her sweet voice brings me back from my thoughts. She’s still holding my hand. I know it belongs to someone else.


Oh, sorry, I got distracted.

She wraps her arms around me. Her freezing hands go into my hair. I feel the weight on my shoulders being taken away for a moment. A soft, chilly breeze reminds me of where I am. I take her hand and we walk towards the church.

I sit down by the piano and play a melody that has been stuck in my head the entire day. I can’t recall the title of the song. She starts singing the song I’m playing. Her voice is so lovely. If only I could keep it in a locket near my heart.

We don’t talk much. I continue playing for a while but I know I have to return to my home soon.

Love, we need to figure this out.

Yeah. But do we have to right now?

I say as I run my hand down her arm. I kiss her but to my surprise she pulls away almost immediately. I look into her eyes, scared. She pulls me close and kisses my neck then whispers in my ear.

Baby, are you sure you can keep doing this? I know how hard it is for you.

She asks, sounding worried.

Shut up and just kiss me. I can do anything if it means you’re mine. I answer.

I walk home crestfallen. Knowing at some point the truth will break me and my life will be pointless. As I get to the field where my house sits quietly, I hear someone running far behind me. I look back and see her.

What are you doing here?

I shout into the dark woods.

I don’t ever want to be without you. Please let me go with you. You can say we’re just friends I just can’t be without you, Love.

I don’t say anything, instead I take her hand and run with her to my stone house. We walk through the door together and there he is. James. He’s waited for me and here I am. With the woman I’m cheating on him with. It all hits me at once. I can’t do this. I can’t have her in front of him. What happens if he finds us out? He’s going to be furious. What if he kills me? Or worse, what if he kills her.

Love! You’re home! Oh, and you’ve brought a friend. How wonderful! James exclaims.

James! I thought you’d be asleep by now. Well, guess I was wrong. This is my friend, Inez. Inez, this is my husband, James.

We talk for a bit then decide it’s best if we all go to bed since it’s very late. Me and James have seperate bedrooms which gives me and Inez the opportunity to be alone.

I wake up and look over to my left. Inez is still sleeping. I get out of bed to go feed my cats. Once I'm in the kitchen I hear gentle footsteps and immediately know it's her.

Did you really think I wouldn’t notice that you left the bed?

I smile in response.

Are you okay, Love? 

She sounds very concerned.

Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?

Don’t lie to me, please. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

I try to explain but I can’t think of anything to say. I start crying and she holds me in her arms.

Good morning, ladies.

Shit. James. I think to myself. I wipe my tears and continue feeding the cats. There’s an uncomfortable silence. Suddenly I feel frozen. I can’t move and tears start falling from my eyes again. Inez quickly goes to help me.

Um… I've- I'm late to work.

James leaves quickly. Inez helps me over to the sofa and puts a blanket over me.

Am I stressing you out by being here? I can leave if you want me to. Actually, I think it's best I just go now.

What? No, please stay. I really need you here.

Inez doesn't reply. She wraps her arms around me and wipes a tear from my cheek. Her hands are so cold but so comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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