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Get up.

"I don't wanna."

Oh come on, you know you gotta.

When's the last time you took a shower or drank some water?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

You need to get up...Now.

"Tired, I can't do it."

It seems you are always tired.

"Exactly, now please leave me alone."

The blanket is pulled off of you. You feel cold.

Come on...

Just take a drink of water and take a shower and then you can go to sleep.

"This is pointless you're being overdramatic".

OK, maybe I am. But you need to take care of yourself better.

"Fine! I'll do it if it'll stop your damned nagging."

Good. Well, go on. Shoo.

Leaving your bed is a difficult thing. There's still that desire to go back to sleep. The only way you'll do that, is if that'll stop their nagging.

They give a holler from your room.

Let me know how it feels when you're done!

Irritated, you growl.

"Let's just get this over with." You mutter under your breath.


You step out of the shower, refreshed, putting on your newly washed clothing.

You stop for a moment taking a deep breath. You feel... relaxed.

You go into a room plopping on your bed, letting out a sigh.

Feeling better?

"Oh yeah..."

A soft chuckle escaped their lips.

As you settle down under your blankets, they grab your hand.

They whisper softly, I'm proud of you.

With a small pleasant smile on your face you drift into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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