Hi hello

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This is really random.
I think lemons are weird. They are yellow( a really bright, unnatural yellow.) and sour. Like why have the lemons gotta be so sour for. Why can't you be sweet and tasty? I mean some people like the sourness but I don't know why. I think you can tell I don't like lemons. (Do like the word though. Don't know why. Just do.)

Neither do I like bananas. You may be thinking 'what's wrong with bananas?' I can tell you there are a lot of reasons. They're yellow (like lemons) and you have to peel them just so you can eat them. Sometimes the thing inside the peel turns all brown and mushy and ugly. Not to mention the stringy stuff. Disgusting in my opinion. The only thing I like about them is the way it sounds 'bananas' (And also the minions.).
It's a funny word.

I don't hate these fruits, I just dislike them. I have a bowl of fruit. Which have bananas, lemons and apples. Apples are alright to be fair, I just hate when the skin gets stuck between your teeth.

All three of these fruits grow on trees, except bananas according to google they grow on giant herbs which look like trees. Why can't we just call it a tree? I mean it looks like a tree and is called a banana tree.

Okay I'm done complaining. This is my first ever writing in this so ye. Does anyone else agree though? Or am I just alone in this stupid argument I made XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this somehow :) have a great day. I really hope no one took offence to this in any way.

285 words

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