Baby Fever

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"Soooo is this your house?" We walked around the beautiful home. It was full of beautiful windows and decorations "Nope a friends, but they're letting me stay here for a few weeks" pursing my lips I nodded.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. His little figure faced mine "Come with me" he grabbed my wrist swiftly and dragged me where ever the hell he was going. "Where are we going?" He stopped a closed my eyes, what in the world. Confusion was beyond me and nerves climbed to the highest mountain in my body "Just trust me" trust? I think I failed when it came to that.

Continuing our walking we stopped in a cool space. We were outside, positioning me in a direction he took his hands off my eyes "I figured we do it the right way" my heart jumped from inside me.

A large day bed was full of fruits and all kinds of foods. Champagne and roses, I was at a loss for words "Why the face?" He crossed his arms. My heart thumped and my veins pulsed, I couldn't hold it back anymore. For the longest I had been trying to play the nice guy, keep my composure for people and apologize for all the things bad people did to me. Would I regret what I was about to do? Yes and will people hate me? Probably but love is love is love is love is love is love and I can't stop myself from loving people.

Not anymore. He stood beside me waiting for my response, turning to him than back to the set up I walked over and took off the platter of food and the bottle of champagne and roses. I slipped my shirt off "Venus? What the fuck are you doing?" His eye brows furrowed.

I slipped my pants off, hurrying to him and kissing his lips passionately. He enjoyed but resisted "V what are you doing?" He backed from me. His face was full of confusion and so was mine, was this not what he wanted? Was he just being a player?

My face burned with embarrassment, once I noticed everything else around the place. A camera and lights, a makeup booth and clothes, it was a photoshoot. A group of people walked in and stared at us, I felt like I could throw up.

"I need- I.. I need to go" I rushed for my clothes and zoomed out of the backyard and off the premises. My world spun and all I could do was walk and walk until I got in my car where I put my clothes back on.

Now I could never show my face to him again. These people seen me in a bra and panties, a total misunderstanding at its best. I drove and drove until I got home where 1 car was parked in front of Levi's place. "What the hell?" I parked and went to the front door, rushing to put the key into the slot.

"Why is Cat's car outside?" I shut the door closed but was surprised to see everyone sitting on the couch.

Cat's eyes were puffy and red and the rest looked to be consoling her. "Uhhh what's going on" Cat rushed to me, holding me tight in her arms. Life just got weirder and weirder each second, and new things sprouted from the ground.

This life was sure more confusing and full of twist than from the streets. No secrets were kept "Hey Uh what's going on?" I heard her sniffle behind my ear. Was she crying?


"Your what?" I shouted. Not out of anger but out of shock, "Giana please" Tina rubbed her arm. Cat looked to Tina with a muddled look on her face "Giana?" Bending to my knees I looked up at her.

"Look my real name is Giana not Venus. What kinda parent would do that to their child, anyways Cat by who?" I rushed my sentence. So much was running through my mind, again no time for a break. Ever "That's the thing, I'm afraid to say who it could be" my heart felt crushed. Prince? Thank god nothing happened with us beside kissing, if he's her baby daddy than I could've been screwed.

I wanted too know, badly. "Cat.. it's okay just say?" Andy sat above the couch, Levi sat near her and Tina on the other side. My legs crouched as we all waited for her response "Mr. Den's" I almost choked.

She's been sleeping with Den? Our manager? Our boss? I felt a bad situation coming and it was way worse than what me and Prince had going on.

She began to cry at our attention "No no Cat don't cry we're just a bit shocked that's all" Levi tried to comfort her but she drowned in worry and sadness. What could happen if this news gets out and things take a turn, I could end up back on the streets and never feel like kinda relationships ever.

It'd all be like a good and bad dream.

"Yeah don't worry we're all gonna be here no matter what. Whatever you decide we're on your side" Andy said rubbing her shoulder, me and Tina held her hand. Giving her reassurance.

What to do now? I don't know..... a miracle would have to happen. Once Prince finds out he'll be full of anger, he made it clear no one sleeps with any one higher than us in our private group meeting. She had broken the rules too, I bet that creep of a boss we have forced her or something.

"So if you don't mind me asking... wh- what are you doing do?" Another thing she had to worry about, keeping the baby. Den looks like when of those men who get 30 girls pregnant and leave them for dead, we couldn't let that happen to poor Cat.

"I don't know guys" her voice was soft from all the crying she'd been doing. We all came in for a hug.

After our conversation we decided to talk more about it in the morning. Prince wasn't even on my mind anymore, Cat was and it was in miserable way, the phone shook from the wall creating a vibration. I couldn't sleep so I could take a call at this time at night "Hello?" A deep raspy voice filled my ear drums.

"You ran out on me. Your kiss was immaculate but it was wrong timing baby.... Why couldn't you save it for later? huh? I'm sure your probably still craving it!" His voice sounded more deep and breathier. Sitting up from my bed "What are you taking about Prince? And how did you get my number" he groaned.

"Don't worry about it... do you still want me? You still wanna touch me and tease me? Want me to give you all that you desperately plea for and terribly hide?" Was he doing what I think he was doing? I mean it was weird but kinda turned me on.

"Say it V... say you don't want me? Let's see if I'll believe you" My body shook with desire, I was bit my lip softly "No go to bed" I tried to shrug him off but he kept pushing "Oh come on, I know woman like you.. the ones who pretend they're hot shit but want to bone their best friends crush. Want to feel all their love between their lips, both to be exact" his voice became huskier.

My heart raced, between my thighs filled with wetness. Gulping "Stop Prince" I begged for him to stop whatever it was he was trying to do, how does he know about Cat an I? "Gia I know your secret I know your secret Giana, come on just say it" tears filled my eyes.

What secret? He was scaring me "Say it Damnit" he yelled through the phone, my body jumped from my bed in a heavy panic. A layer of sweat was formed on my forehead, my body was full of sweat. It was a nightmare, thank god.

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