Chapter 1

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Hi guys! So I had this really neat idea while washing dishes so I decided to make it into reality and hope people like and read it. This is Ireland at the top. But anyway guys I hope you like it!! Please leave a comment and let me know how y'all are liking it!

Ireland's POV

I make my way to the unfortunate place I call work. I dread tonight, but it makes money. I sigh as I drag myself into the building from the back entrance. "Hey Ireland, how's ya today love?" One of the girls I work with said to me "The usual Lydia. How about yourself?" I replied. "Wonderful actually. It's just us two tonight. The rest of the girls called out for some reason" she said with a shrug. Well, at least I won't have to deal with everyone else getting in my way tonight then. "More money for us then," I said back to her. "Ladies 5 minutes!" Someone said from the front. I sighed and got dressed for the night and walked out onto the dance floor.

Niall's POV

"Lads I don't think this is a good idea. M'just another year old. Not a big deal" I said to my 3 best mates. "Oh, it's a big deal alright lad! Let's get going. The club just opened so we can be the first ones there!" Louis said to me jumping in the car to drive us all to this so-called club they keep mentioning. We all got in and sat down. Liam sat beside me while Harry sat in the front with Lou. Liam looked at me with an expression that said that he was sorry. I just smiled at him and looked out the window. Usually, young lads would love to go to a strip club. But me on the other hand I'd rather be in bed watching Netflix or on tour. I find it disrespectful to the women who work there to be paying them to dance provocatively with little to no clothes on. Liam feels the same way as me but Lou and Haz made us go. Because they see nothing wrong with it. "They chose to have this job. We are just enjoying it and helping them by paying them" Lou said knowing I don't like this. I sighed I guess he's right. But I don't see how any woman would do this without having no other choice. We finally got there parked the car and exciting to go into the building. We sat down at the front stage, so we could get the best seat in the house as Haz would say. We ordered ourselves a round of shots and a couple of Guinness' for me. The music started up and everyone cheered. That's when I saw her. The most beautiful girl in the world. Even with hardly any clothes on she was gorgeous.

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