Time For Games and Sleep

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Picture this..It was a sunny morning outside, the sun shone over the loud house and everyone was on their phones.

Lincoln: Cool, guys come!

Luna: what's up bro?

Leni: Yeah?

Lincoln: I found this cool game!

Lynn: I bet it's not even cool..

Lincoln : Yuh huh it is, look!

Lincoln showed his phone to them, and
The game was Literally just pineapple pen.

Lynn: Hah! You think that pineapple pen is FUN?! I played that game when I was six!

Everyone leaves except Leni

Leni: it looks fun! Can I play?

Lincoln: sure..

Leni: Yay!

Lincoln hands Leni his phone.

Leni: dang it! I died!

Lincoln: it's fine..

Lincoln takes his phone back.

Leni: By The Way Linky,

Lincoln: yeah?

Leni: can I sleep with you please 🙏💓

Lincoln: Oh uhm, why?

Leni: Because remember that time you slept with Lynn AND Lucy, I wanna do that but just you and me 😃

Lincoln: But why?

Leni: I just do, k?

Lincoln: sure I guess..

Leni: Yay!

End of part one

Before you go hating this is my opinion and not real so there's no need to hate on a real human for some fake thing.

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