Chapter 1: My Everyday Life

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Is this what I have this me now.......all these questions and no's dark.....and I can hear the screams of children as I hear "pop goes the weasel" play......the song is almost over....that is my cue, I pop out of the box and surprise the kids, they love me, but why do I feel so empty on the inside......oh yeah....I'm a puppet.....they painted a smile on me and make me dance around but I am not used to not be so bad.....I used to have a wife and two kids but now I am a soul trapped in a puppet but the worst part daughter sees me on Fridays but I can't say anything to her....I can't talk caught in my own thoughts....this is the only way I can stay sane.....please Sammy please notice me realize it is your father....please I am begging you.....oh I guess it is time now........they pass me around because they think kids like it guys think I am cool....parents think I am scary.....but girls just stare....what is wrong with me..I am still human....well was....but I am still a human soul...I hear a girl say "It Moved" haha....yeah I moved.....but I wanted to let her know I am still alive why won't anyone see that I am alive......I can't....I'm trapped and have nowhere to go...they are putting me back in my box I guess I should start from the beginning....

It was September 1, 2019 when I was born. My mom always was there for me while my dad was at work then my dad would take me to the playground so I could crawl around. I could not do much but I could do a little bit. Then mom would come home and bring food for us to eat. Then all that went down hill on my 5th birthday. I had a party that day all my friends was there they brought me presents and then my parents started fighting....not in the arguing way but actually fighting. The cops showed up and took my dad to jail and they took my mom to the hospital after that I was just being used as a excuse for my moms mistakes she said she could not go to work one day because I was crying and did not want her to go even though she knew she had overslept then called in it is not my fault but everyone says it is. It makes me feel empty inside and it creates a hole in my feelings that can't be fixed. But "maybe" I thought "maybe if I could move out one day I could get away from this torchure" so I did first day of school I worked really hard....but I still struggled life can be hard some times but still I go through it anyway.

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