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Pallavi looked around at the stately room that looked both splendid and spiritless at the same time as she pulled her saree pallu over her shoulders tighter and closer to battle the cold. The room's temperature was raised in a deliberate attempt to thwart her resilience, but she was not the one to give up. No Pallavi Deshmukh was made of sterner stuff and she was not going to leave without meeting Raghav Rao, the man that could bring entire Hyderabad to its knees and shake its foundation.

Raghav Rao watched pensively at the screen showing the CCTV proceedings in his living room. A woman, the kind that would think twice before being associated with him, was seated in his living room awaiting his arrival since 12 hours. The simpleton had already annoyed him by seeking a meeting with him!

He knew what she was here for. Some might admire her grit and take it for determination, but this was neither, for Raghav Rao could smell desperation just like a predator that senses its prey.

He was not enthralled by her innocence. If anything, he was repulsed by her naivete. With a smirk that could put the devil to shame, he walked out to meet the object of his loathing. After all, the sheer audacity to even walk into his lair needs to be addressed!

Pallavi would have sighed in relief if only she hadn't been freezing already, but the sentiment remained the same as she heard footsteps coming closer in her direction and looked up to see her nightmare standing in a vested suit. She stared at the stone-cold eyes and wanted nothing but to run away! Hah! So much for resilience!

The satisfaction in his eyes grated her. No, she had to do this! For Nikhil! For Aai and Baba.

He waved her down just as she was about to speak.

'I know what you are here for and there is no scope for negotiation. Unless you are ready to buy the shop, nothing can stop me from tearing it down until the last brick crumbles.'

'Please Mr. Raghav I ...'

'Save it, pleading isn't going to get you anywhere, mercy is among the many virtues that I lack.'

'That's not...'

'We are done. Now out.'

And he made a swift turn to walk away, when Pallavi Deshmukh, who until now had only made the mistake of meeting him, held his hand in a fierce grip.


Raghav turned to face her, ready to throw her out himself, but paused, looking at the surprise in her eyes. He smirked, unable to help himself. She had clearly surprised herself with her momentary bravery. Now he was curious, he wanted to hear her spiel even if it wasn't going to change his mind.

'Singapore consignment. S... Singapore consignment. Let me work on it'

Holy Fuck!

Very little surprised Raghav anymore and every little thing enraged him and right now he was experiencing both. Nevertheless, to say it was a dangerous combination and that is how Pallavi Deshmukh found a gun pressed against her temple. In a matter of seconds! In the blink of an eye, and she knew that it could be the end of her. Just as quickly. Just as quietly.

'Get out before I blow your brains! And not a word after you step outside. Ardham ayindha!

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