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"Cissa?" I called her. She's sitting next to me with a book in her hands.

"Yes dear?" She answered, eyes still on her book. I shift closer to her and lay my head on her chest.

"What is it?" She asked softly.

"I just remember something.. do you want to hear it?" I slowly looked up and meet her beautiful brown eyes that now are focused on me.

"Of course." She put her book aside and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me more closer to her.

"There's a planet that are 63 light years away from Earth. It is named as HD 189733b or you can call it Planet of Terror." I began while fidgeting my fingers with her hand.

"It sounds unpleasant." She murmured.

"That's because it is! This planet is bigger than Jupiter and it is howling around it's star making a complete orbit only in two days!! Can you believe it?!" At this point, I couldn't hide my excitement anymore. Over something unbelievably stupid.. yep.

Narcissa nods her head slowly before she asked, "Can you describe to me how this planet looks like?"

"Well.. it looks a lot like our Earth, except they don't have any green land- surface? whatever, like our Earth and does only have bright blue color which you can guess is water and of course, some white clouds." I explained.

"How can it's called Planet of Terror if it's only water and some clouds? It sounds pretty harmless.." There's the question I've been waiting for her to ask.

"Nuh uh, don't fall for their innocent impressions because this vicious planet is tricking you by their look." I scoot over her a little bit more that leave no space in between us. Basically, violating her personal space but I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind.

"Okay, hear me out. I'm about to tell you why it's called Planet of Terror. Like it's name, this planet is awful because the wind on this planet is seven times faster than the speed of sounds. Which means if you stood on this planet, you would be blown in circles around it-" I stopped myself when I felt I'm out of breath.

Goddamn, I forgot how to breathe. Again.

"Breathe darling, breathe.." Narcissa said softly while stroking my hair.

I didn't realize how fast my breathing are but now I did and I'm trying my best to control it. Took me a good 10 minutes before I started again.

"Where did I stopped? Sorry-" I laughed at myself.

"Oh yeah- you would be blown in circles around it as the planet moved around it's star!!"

"It's like that one word you always say when you throw something.." She trailed off as she tried to recall. It's quite cute that she's trying to remember what words I usually use to describe certain things and since we Gen Z keeps on being creative with creating a bunch of new words that doesn't make any damn sense but at the same time it did, I can tell that she's struggling to find this one.

It took me a moment or two to finally know what she's trying to remember. But when I did I laughed my ass off because it's unbelievable. "Yeet?"

"Yes, that word." She sighed before join me who were now laughing. "Oh, I can't believe you actually know the meaning of that word. It's also cute that you remember what words I used for certain situations." I wipe my tears away after we calm down from laughing.

"I figured it myself. You always use that word when you throw something or jump to-" I cut her off for best even though I knew- no, we both knew it's a terrible things to do at her. But I don't need her to make me die at my 'top ten of the most embarrassing things I did in my life.' and so I ignore the obvious burning glare.

"Yeah- okay, you can say that. But that's not the bad part yet."

"Oh I thought that's it" She said.

"Nope, but we're close to the finishing line." I replied.

"This planet rains glass for living and it rains glass sideways because of that strong wind.

So, imagine you were on this planet, you'll be spinning and flying around the planet and then got impaled by the shards of glass while the planet mocks your screams with the howls of the wind." I finished it with a proud smile.

"No, no- this is too dark for everyone. How and where do you know about this?" Narcissa asked with slight concern to be heard in her tone.

"If you think that is one of the darkest things I've heard so far, let's talk about all of the darkest things I've learned until the sun rises. What do ya think?"

To be frankly, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to waste the night.

"As much as I wish to do that, I'm afraid that it cannot happen. I have to go to work early tomorrow." Well, that's just cruel and unfair. It feels as if a single drop of neutron star just fall on top of me. But we have to be understanding here.

Aww fuck them work but let's go to sleep anyway. I don't want you to wake up in a grumpy mood tomorrow." I simply answer before yawns interrupt me in the middle of sentence.

"Can I sleep here? I don't wanna walk to our bedroom." I rubbed my eyes.

I did not hear Narcissa say anything instead, I just heard a faint 'pop' sounds and a weird tingle in my stomach and the next thing I know is that I already tuck in our bed with Narcissa next to me.

"I'll see you in the morning love, goodnight" She kissed my forehead and continued reading the book earlier.

"Noooo, can't you continue reading that bloody book tomorrow?? You need a good sleep and plus, I don't think anything could sound a lot better than cuddling together until we fell asleep." My words are slurring together at this point.

"Say the magic word first." She said with that DAMN  SMIRK ON HER GODDAMN FACE. THIS WOMAN-

"Goddamn, woman- Please? Put that book down and cuddle me with that warm body of yours that I so crave and couldn't get enough??" I swallowed the attitude that's begging to escape and forced myself to just follow by her way. It's for the best.

"Why of course, sweetheart.."

I'm bad at ending, my grammar is crash, this doesn't make sense, I know and I don't give a damn fuck. I'm going to sleep so fuck off.

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