Heartbreaker {Coming Soon}

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Macey Williams ruins everything she touches.  Her job as a waitress? gone.  Her savings? spent.  Her relationships? nonexistent.  Either way, she still stands tall, chin-up, and rebellious as ever.  So when her “goody-two-shoes” cousin Ariel calls her for assistance, Macey’s red-painted lips twist into a smile.  This time, she’ll use her “talent” for some serious revenge.

1 Nasty Breakup, 2 girls, 3 Months, and an insanely risky plan.  What could go wrong?


So I just thought of this story today and I have the whole thing planned out in my head, so I can start writing this at any time.  I wanted to get some interest and see if anyone liked it though, before I do that, so let me know what you think!  (It's not a fanfiction, by the way ;))  I'm really excited about this story, though, and it's unlike most of what I've written, so what do you think?

x Jess

Heartbreaker {Coming Soon}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz