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 You had just recently joined the Strawhat Crew after the crew had saved you and your families lives. You didn't know how else to repay them, other than to devote your skills to help out the crew. It was the least you could do considering they had made your dream come true, which was saving your family so that they could live a normal life. 

 Luffy was glad to have you on the crew. You seemed like you'd fit right into the crew, plus you were very well skilled with your spears. As far as you knew you were the best, no one could beat you when to came to spears.

 "___!"  Luffy called you over to join in with the guys and their stupidity. It was quite noisy for what you were use too, but it was nice. Luffy was messing with Usopp, and Zoro and Sanji were fighting again. You took a seat where Zoro had been before he got into it with Sanji and you noticed all the sake bottles around. You picked one up and took a few sips from it, letting the bitter taste linger. 

 Zoro instantly glared over at you, giving Sanji the opportunity to kick Zoro in the head. Zoro was sent flying back until he hit a wall. "Son of a.." Zoro trailed off as you ran over to him. 

 "Hey are you okay? I didn't mean to distract you, man." You tried to hold back you laughter as he growled.

 "Asshole." He muttered getting up, ignoring you completely. He started looking around for Sanji only to see he was swooning over the ladies. He shook his head and headed up into the crows nest.

  Part of you felt bad, since you were the one to get him hurt, but the other part of you found it funny that he had some sort of sake radar. You noticed the bottle of sake still sitting there, basically full, and decide to take it up to him.

 "Hey Zoro~ " you chime as you crawl up into the crows nest. On the other side you see Zoro lent up against the wall. Some how he had fallen asleep so quickly! That mans sleeping patterns never failed to amaze you. 

 You softly shook him, but he wouldn't budge. You sighed and leaned up against the wall next to him. You took out the bottle and took another sip of it, in frustration. All of the sudden Zoro's eyes opened and he glared over at you.

 "First you steal my Sake, then you drink it in my face." He grumbled, obviously pouting. 

 "Hmm... Fight me for it then," You mused with a cocky smirk on your face, "show me what you're made of, swordsman." You say setting the bottle down the bottle and gently nudging him.

 "Don't be stupid, I'd never pull my swords on you, ___." He sighed and ruffled your hair, causing you to blush slightly.

 You frowned "Why not? I can take you."

 Zoro had a childish grin on his face as he took your hands and pinned you down. His body was over top of yours, your faces an inch away. His childish grin soon turned into a scary grin. Zoro leaned down to your ear and started to whisper,"___, if this were a one on one fight, I'd easily win. You leave yourself to vulnerable," Zoro licks your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. "You're far too cute for me to fight, but that doesn't mean you're too cute for me to strip you one by one and devour you."

  This made you blush harder than you were before. Zoro started to kiss up your neck and to your jawline, leaving a trail of hot kisses behind. "Z-zoro..." You moaned softly as his lips met yours in a hot passionate kiss. Your heart was beating so fast you could of bursted. You would of never imagined Roronoa Zoro would be doing all this to you, let alone you'd be and uke in all of this! Your pride hurt a bit but Zoro was making you forget about all that silly stuff. 

 Zoro broke the kiss to attack your neck with soft rough kisses and soft bites. This caused another moan to escape your lip. "Shh, ___. What if the others hear you~?"

 Little did you know the rest of them could hear every word. Nami and Robin had been fangirling, Sanji was relieved his ladies were saved from the perverted Marimo, Luffy and Copper were happy for them, while Usopp, poor Usopp, had been crying in a corner. Your pants had been slipped off by Zoro and thrown down from the crows nest, only to land on Usopp's face. Sanji chuckled and yelled up at you guys, "Hey, Marimo and ___. You guys better get a room before Usopp kills himself!" 

 Your heart almost stopped beating for a second. They were all listening! Zoro looked quite flushed as well as he stumbled off of you. 

 "You perverted moss- head! You better swallow your pride and go down there to retrieve my pants, or all hell will break loose!" You said in a whisper that lacked edge. Zoro smirked and pecked your lips before going and getting your pants.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a shameful evening you hid in your room , snuggled under the covers. That damn marimo... You were lost in thought and didn't even realize the door had opened.

  Zoro snuck up and snaked his arms around your waist before crawling in your bed with you. You jerked your elbow back causing him to fall off the bed. "Ouch.. " He groaned before getting back up.

 "Oh shit- Zoro don't sneak up on me like that!" You sighed and pulled him back into the bed with you. 

 He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest."Warm..." Zoro murmured as he kissed the top of your head. Your face was completely red. He might be all tough on the outside but he's a complete softie on the inside..

 "Hey ___..." You looked up at him and to your surprise he pressed his lips to yours. "I love you.." He whispered before he drifted off to sleep. You smiled "I love you too, Zoro.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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