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Alanna's POV

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Alanna's POV

"I just thought you'd tell me about him, I thought we were close like that," Mya said crumbling her empty chip bag into a ball "I know we're close but me and him aren't even dating or anything. Were just friends if anything" It hurt me to say that.

"Laaa, holding hands isn't just being friends. I can tell you have a crush on him, you've been ignoring me for days. That's not like you" If only she knew how long this crush has been going on "I'm sorry for not telling you, I was just waiting for the right time I guess" She got up from the chair in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine, just don't hide stuff from me anymore because I don't hide anything from you" I felt a tap on my head, and I already knew who it was behind me. I turned to see Trey towering over me.

"You scared me," I said placing my hand on my chest. He grabbed my hand pulling me gently up from the chair and I already knew I was going with him. Trey was still a quiet person and still only really spoke to me and his friends, so I understood why he didn't say anything to Mya.

I waved bye to Mya and saw the smirk appearing on her face and for an odd reason, I already knew what she was thinking. " I'm gonna beat your ass I woke up and you weren't on the phone," He said pulling me closer to his side, my favorite place to be. "I had to get in the shower and stuff"

"I don't care don't hang up next time" I rolled my eyes and placed my head on his arm. "What you doing after school princess?" I smiled "I have to try to sneak to my hair appointment without my mom knowing. Probably lie and say I have tutoring or something" He chuckled under his breath. "I'll drive you" He's too good to me "You know I could just Uber, you really don't have to"

"Yes I do, for some reason, I feel like I owe it to you. I have a soft spot for you, you know" I knew.

The day went by and soon we were in our last period, English.

"Where is your little boyfriend at?" Dom said as I sat next to him in our English class "He's not my boyfriend and I don't know, he said he had something to do" He shrugged and pulled his phone out. "You know everybody's rumoring y'all dating right?" I shrugged.

"I'm not surprised he's really never been seen with a girl besides me sooo" He chuckled, and right then Trey came in. He was late, as always, and he looked high. Before he sat down he grabbed my chin and kissed my cheek. My stomach instantly felt tight and there the butterflies returned. It made me feel so good and cared for. I've never had a boyfriend before or anything close to it so this was a totally new experience.

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