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I packed up the rest of my room, while my dad yelled orders to my brothers. "Hey, don't touch your sisters bra!" And "SHUT UP!"
I was going to New York by myself for 2 reasons: 1, to see my boyfriend Percy Jackson and 2, to get away from my step mom and brothers. I was going to stay with Percy and his mom and his stepfather. (Sally and Paul) Percy has no clue and won't until I see him at his school, Goode. "Annabeth, let's go!" My dad yelled. I ran downstairs with my suitcases and bags. Me and my dad drove to the airport. I said goodbye to him and ran for my plane.
-3 hours later-
[intercom] "we are landed in New York. Please exit in an orderly fashion. Have a nice day!" I grabbed my bags and made my way to the street and called for a cab. I was going to a hotel for the night, for the surprise to work. Once I got to the hotel I stopped. "Holy Hera.." I muttered. It was a huge Greek hotel, with the best architecture. Marble pillars, statues of the gods, anything that you could imagine. "Um, mam? You going to get out or..?" I snapped back into reality and managed a response"yea.." I got out and grabbed my bags and ran up to the hotel. Once I was checked into the hotel and in my room, I went to bed. ( it was 11:00)
-the next morning, 6:32-
I woke up to my alarm to go to school. I unwillingly dragged my self into the shower and changed into a tie dye shirt and shorts. I ran outside and while slipping on my converse, while in the phone getting a taxi. When the taxi finally came, I hopped in with my bag and zoned out until we arrived at Goode. I walked up to the doors, blending into the crowd. I walked to the office and got my schedule. It was the exact same as Percy's except for the elective. He had swimming as a sport and elective while I had architecture. I started to walk to locker 223, the one I was assigned, until I saw Percy standing by it, looking through his locker. His was right next to mine. I changed my route so I could sneak up behind him.

Percy POV

I was talking to my friends about my girlfriend annabeth which they didn't believe she was real. "I'm telling you guys, she IS real, she just lives in San Fransisco." I exclaimed. "Yea, uh huh. Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night." My friend Alec said. All of a sudden I felt someone's arms around my and kiss my cheek. "Hey Seaweed Brain. Miss me?" I spun around to see my girlfriend, with her blond locks cascading down her back. "ANNABETH!" I exclaimed and picked her up and spun her around. " I thought you were in San Fransisco!" She giggled, and Annabeth Chase is not one to giggle. "Well, I'm staying with you at your apartment." I pulled her into a deep long kiss until my friend Joel coughed. "Ahem. Care to introduce us?" "Oh um yea. Guys this is Annabeth my REAL girlfriend. Annabeth, this is Alec, Joel and Louis." She waved and said a simple "hi" Then Louise exclaimed,"Ha! She is real! Alec, you owe my $50!" Alec grumbled something about.. Chickens? And handed over a crisp $50 bill. We all laughed and walked off to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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