The Divinity Ranks

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Power Ranks:

Green Divinity: This is the lowest Rank and they can’t do much with the powers that they have. They come off a lot weaker in battles and tend to be the dumbest among the people. They don’t have the power of healing themselves so If wounded in battle they can not heal themselves. They are mainly chosen to be housemaids or butlers, they may even take cleaning jobs or cooking. The only power they have is to shrink themselves, that’s why sometimes the kingdom might use them as spies. but they do get weak quicker form using their powers.

Pink Divinity: This rank is two ranks above green but still not that powerful. They are strategists. The Kingdom will use them for warfare plays. They still can not heal themselves but their powers are a lot more useful, they can heal others. That’s why most of them go to be doctors or nurses. When they heal others they do take on their injuries when healing. For example, if someone has a broken leg and a Pink Divinity heals that, they will get the broken leg as the other person heals.

Purple Divinity: This Rank is the Third Highest rank. They can heal themselves, They have up to 9 out of the 25 Powers. They are great in combat and their intelligence is outstanding. They are the second smartest out of the ranks, the first being Red Divinity and Gold. When Purple Divinity is married to and Red Divinity or a Gold Divinity they birth and Red Divinity rank. 

Red Divinity: The second Highest Rank. They have 10 out of 25  of the powers and the strongest physically. Their intelligence is of high rank and all five of their senses are heightened by 10 fold. When Red Divinity and Gold Divinity are married and have offsprings they make the Highest Rank out there, called Fire Dragon. This rank has all 25 powers. They are the strongest and most powerful. They are considered a myth because no child from a Red Divinity and a Gold Divinity has ever survived past 3 days after birth. 

Gold Divinity: They are still part of the second rank but they are stronger; they have 20 out of the 25 powers. They are strong and have everything that Red Divinity has but they do have the power of the doves which are from the Royal bloodline. They hold a secret power and are mostly given to the women in a blood line. They are not used for Warfare even though they know how it works.  

Fire Dragon Divinity: Abilities unknown

(Sorry it this is Confussing at the Moment but it will be explain in the story. I will go into deeper detail)

Please Enjoy the story. I want to actually take good time on this a make a story that's not just a y/n x (insert NSB Member here)

I want you to get so Transfixed on what i am writing and get lost in the story. I hope that the boys do get to see it to be honest because i will always be happy of my work.

Divinities: Gold Orb (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora