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Silent and alone, It drifted the Blue void of purpose.

The question lingered, how long had it existed? Or rather, how long had it traveled an endless pool of obscurity, and why? There was no life to speak of. No faces or names or friends or enemies. Its existence in itself was a mystery. And though this cascade of inquiries and contradictions amplified day by day, rattling the very fiber of its brain, ultimately, it changed nothing. Frustration and agony were concepts it remained ignorant of. 

Like the sun's light and the night's darkness, its curiosity of the world in which it lived left and returned. It accepted this life for what it was and had no insipid desire to rupture the stillness. But as time continued to flow, its number of questions increased along with the infinite amount of hearts beginning to evolve.

The Blue was a cauldron of creation. As countless suns and moons slid over its head, this reality slowly crept up on it. They passed in a hurry, discarding swarms of malleable spheres that ascended to the rippling ceiling. Some chose to scuttle across the sandy dunes below, picking apart strings of green and idle corpses without discrimination. Then there were those it often spotted in the far distance, giants cloaked in shadows singing their grumbling yet gentle songs in a dialect it couldn't quite decipher. In its opinion, they were the most interesting out of everything it had seen thus far. 

The group of colossus traversed their quiet abyss in the opposite direction, fanning their massive tails up and down whilst occasionally opening their leviathan-sized maws so as to absorb the unfortunate specks offering them sustenance. Despite how slowly they moved, it was as if they always left too soon. Along with everything else. Though as the sand in the hourglass poured, It eventually learned a lesson by merely playing the part of a common observer. It never interacted with not another organism yet by watching them follow invisible trails visible exclusively to their vision, they inadvertently taught it their secret of mobility. Instead of being kidnapped by rapid streams or pulled along by a tender wave, for the first time in its life, it could mold the course of its destiny. 

Its muscles and limbs hardened like concrete and by conceiving the wish to move in a contrasting direction, its body obeyed. The desire materialized. Now it swam. Not carried by the undertow, but swam where it wanted. It had been granted the gift of choice. Unfortunately, this kinetic, exhilarating rush was short lived. This new ability, as revolutionary as it was, hadn't necessarily changed much. Still it was alone and without answers. Still it had no conception as to where it traveled and for what reason. The day started with it bursting through the Blue inheriting an exhilarating emotion and yet it ended with the currents doing their job, as they've always done. Carrying a motionless, deflated rogue.

More suns were ignited only to be suffocated by a sheet of black. Saline waters froze and melted. Like normal, the unmotivated It floated inside a stale stream manufacturing not a peep. That was until something caught its eye. Different, a phrase it hadn't used to describe anything for quite a while. Elevated off the sandy floor by a mountain of sturdy, calcified rock sat a vigorous beret. An explosion of color captured onto thousands of bizarre constructions possessed by the minds of many. A menagerie sitting pridefully above a darkened, belligerent pit and altruistically harboring the Blue's residents. 

Here thousands of creatures of all shapes and sizes gathered. Some had teeth to rip and tear. Others had long, elastic tails that whipped the water. Most assembled in multicolored billows whilst the rest alienated themselves within spiraling and jagged constructions. It formed no questions or adopted not an ounce of hesitation. Activating its shunned muscles, a shockwave pulsated throughout the water as it burst towards the strange new sight as fast as its body would allow. A torpedo with a trajectory locked on the source of its fascination.

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