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Sunlight beamed onto her skin, lethargically warming her flesh back to a decent temperature. Her thick red coat was drawn tightly around her torso and every now and then she would fidget with the knit scarf looped around her neck with oversized mittens.

A light hazy fog obscured the sunbeams, but the interaction between the two manifested a visual golden warmth that surrounded the children playing in the school premises. Despite the comfortable sight, the temperature actually dropped from the day prior.

Button nose red with cold, dark hair strands falling lose and her cheeks flamed with a warm hue, the cold began to seep past all the layers of clothing she bundled up in. All of this did not matter of course, her eyes trained on the subject of her focus and she refused to waver in stance as a tiny caterpillar patiently paced on the surface of the tree bark in the school yard.

As she maintained her focus on the miniature creature, a young boy in the same school yard pursued her after careful searching. His hands dug into his coat pockets and a few strands of hair managed to slip past his knit beanie and into his line of vision. Stepping carefully so as not to perturb the young girl's train of thought, he slowly made progress towards her side.

"One day you will change into a beautiful butterfly," she whispered, unaware of anyone's presence.

"What did I tell you about talking to the caterpillars? They can't even respond to you Fiamma," he retorted with a chuckle, her expression laced with surprise which settled as she moved closer to slap his arm.

"Meanie, you scared me!"

"Well if you wanted to talk to someone you could have looked for me too, I spent most of recess trying to find you. Now-" He paused as he took notice of her lack of attention, her eyes averted towards the caterpillar that resumed its course. No longer taking interest in their conversation. "And I lost you." He finished.

"I wish I knew more about the caterpillars," she pouted, her amber hues fell to face the floor. "Like what color they be when they turn into pretty butterflies," Fiamma mumbled.

The boy rested his hand on her shoulder, "remember the butterflies from kindergarten? They were orange with black stripes and white spots, they come back every year. Maybe this one is like that too."

"Those were real pretty Ian, I hope this one is really pretty too," Fiamma beamed, toothy grin and all. Ian heard the school bell ring in the distance and turned to fix Fiamma's scarf before mumbling something about not understanding her enthusiasm over the butterflies.

"Because butterflies have a purpose too, you don't know what would be different if this one wasn't here right now," she mentioned as she gave him a toothy grin and spun towards her classroom, "besides you wouldn't have found me you dodo!"

Ian grinned as he waved goodbye before mumbling a "thank you caterpillar."

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