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Hi all! So this request had a part 1 , but unfortunately it was reported and deleted. I can not get part 1 back. However the requester has requested a part two, so I did want to recap what happened in part 1 for those who may have missed it and want to read this.

So to recap-

-Jungkook had been kidnapped by someone dressed as a security guard after their recent concert.

-He was taken to a disclosed location, which was the basement of some old concrete building, and tied up. There were three people involved in his kidnapping named Akio, Jun, and Akira. They were former high school bullies of his. They kidnapped him because he had disappeared from highschool after his hyungs had their manager pull him out, and they wanted to finish what they had started. Even twelve years later.

-His kidnapping was broadcast publicly to the news, where his kidnappers sent videos of them hurting Jungkook to both the news and to the rest of the members. The kidnappers told his members they needed to complete certain tasks in order to get Jungkook back, and if they messed anything up or failed they would continue to hurt him. They hurt him severely and he faced constant physical and emotional abuse, and torture.

-The first task was to send 100 million dollars in a certain time frame, which they succeeded in doing but Jungkook got hurt anyway. They did this with the help of ARMY. Because the kidnapping was made public, ARMY was doing their best to also help the members get Jungkook back. They had to go to an old building and solve riddles, which ARMY also helped them accomplish by sending in clues to the answers. Their last task was to, not so simply, "Find him."

-With the help of police, they were able to find Jungkook, but he was in very bad shape after being repeatedly tortured and was in the hospital for quite some time. His three kidnappers were caught and arrested.

There is the short recap. Please be aware that the next part will include a lot of angst, pain, abuse, torture, and more. The request was very specific. So read further at your own risk, and if you do not like these types of stories, I have many others you may go read that are not as dark as this one ^.^


Kidnapped [Sequel/Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now