The Name Game

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The cold water splashed against my back. My thoughts ran down the drain with the dirty water, showering was the most relaxing thing I did. If I ever got free time when working I would shower or eat, sometimes sleep if things are settled that day.

My grandmother always told me cleanliness is closet to godliness. And she was right, when I'm cleaned it's like all the negative and sorrow just flows away, I begged this shower did exactly that.

A knock appeared at the door "Yeah?" I rubbed shampoo into my hair. "Me, Andy and Tina are leaving to the store to get some groceries want anything?" I could hear Levi's voice through the thick layer of water that drowned my ears.

"Sure just some chips and a coke" holding onto the curtains my lids shut so the burning liquid won't get in my eyes. Popping my head back into the shower I heard his walking travel away "Okay see you soon" his voice distanced from the bathroom. Rinsing and finishing my routine I wrapped a towel over my cold damp body and brushed my teeth, again another thing that made me feel better.

Getting things off my teeth. Anything that I said or ate would be scrapped off the surface of my tongue and down the drain, I guess it was a logical thing.

Gargling water into my mouth I headed back to my room and started getting ready for my first day on the job. I was accepted at one of the jobs I applied for, a secretary with no experience. Great thing I was friends with one of the people that work there, she gave me a good word and now things are going well. At least for me, Cat was going through a rough time.

Being pregnant with someone's baby whom she was never supposed to have any relationship with in the first place. I mean I know how that feels, but what me and P had wasn't anything remotely close to what she had going on. My main focus was this job, saving money for possibly my own place. Boundaries on me and Princes relationship and helping Cat through this rough time.

I knew the crew had rehearsals in a few days, and I heard her puking her brains out this morning. That morning sickness is really getting to her, I don't know she's gonna pull this off just until we figure things out.

Slipping on my pencil skirt and button up I swore I looked like a teacher. My hair needed to be done quickly, adding 'get my hair done' to my check list. Slipping on a pair of heels I walked down the stairs and down to the kitchen where I found Cat over a bowl of Frosted Flakes and television. "Hey girly" passing by her to get the Orange juice from
the fridge.

"Hi Gia" hearing her say my name was weirder than expected. Her tone was a bit drained but you could still hear her trying to make up for the sadness in her voice. "Sorry" she apologized from my awkward look, grabbing a glass cup and pouring the liquid inside.

"No please go ahead. I'm sure everyone knows by now. It's just weird hearing you say it so freely, usual it was just Levi and my family but now everyone is getting to know me more and more right?" She ate a bit from her spoon.

The television showed the news channel. 4 killings in a fire not to far away from this place, it was like everyone was dying. "How you holding up?" I knew bringing up her pregnancy was a bit risky but I can't help it and we're close so that means something right?

"We'll I'm okay now that some people know, I'm just worried about how Prince would react... I mean I've know the guy for years now and trust me when he gets mad he's a different person. I just don't wanna mess things up you know" yep I did, anyone could ask me anything and I could probably relate to it.

Seeing Prince mad, I too was afraid of witnessing. How could anyone ever hurt that man? I mean he seemed like he'd been hurt a lot in his life, just the way he carries himself. "Don't worry C, we are all here for you and I'm sure he can be at least a tad bit understanding of what's going on. I mean you didn't ask to get pregnant" setting the cup down I walked over to her, grabbing her shoulder and hugging her.

Pressing her hands against my back I felt her sigh in a relief type of way.

The time was already 20 before I had to be there. I wanted to be early because early is on time and on time is late, every Latina moms saying honestly. "We'll I should be going now, I gotta head to my first day at work. Kinda nervous" Cat slurped her milk.

"I was wondering why you were dressed like that. I figured you were just wearing your regular attire" scuffing I playful rolled my eyes before grabbing the keys "Yeah right, well I'm going now just tell everyone I'm at work right now and to leave my coke in the fridge and my chips in the cabinet" unlocking the front door.

"Oh and also, keep the Gia thing in the house. I'll talk to everyone else later okay?" Nodding her head I swiftly shut the door and made my way to the car.


"And this is Romeo he'll be sorta like your assistant. You need coffee he can get it for you, call in sick he'll take over for you and so on and so forth" the offices were full of people with what looked like busy schedules. Taking calls or printing papers, this job was for a company that had many clients.

Walking towards an empty surprisingly large cube "This one will be yours, Bosses door is right next to your space. You get your own since your more important" Emily was the only person I knew that was working here. She got one of her man candies to convince Mr. Smith to let me work here, turning to her with a grateful look "Thanks Emily" she smiled widely.

"No problem Gia, anything for a close friend" Emily was another one of my friends that worked with me while in the street business. She was found lying on the cold concrete bruised and assaulted both violently and sexually, she'd been through so much.

When she got a deal with a few "Higher Ups" meaning drug dealers she was given the life per say and worked selling through here. Now Mr. smith knows nothing about me but I'm sure he'll figure things out since he can get almost anything on anybody he works with.

Emily parted from me while I reviewed my station. Bigger than all honestly and well organized.

"Giana Mr. Smith would like to see you" it was time I finally got see the big guy.

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