1. Murder - Awkward Encounters

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Perfection was so hard to come by these days. The type of beauty which made one's heart catch in their throat as they stared in awe, disbelief, and... envy. Sweet, sultry envy that was only expressed with squinted side glances and peaked eyebrows. Charlie personally thrived with those side glances he would get. Most commonly, he would catch older folks glaring at him with disdain- but when those gapes and sideward stares of jealousy were planted his way... he thrived with them. When he headed to bars and men would pick him up for a good time.
He loved how they looked at him with hunger- he was plenty hungry as well. Famished. Starving even. But- all for plenty of different reasons. Charlie liked the kinds of guys with perfect faces, so clean and symmetrical that if he split their heads down the middle, he'd have two perfectly equal sides. That's the beauty he longed for and craved

But- only filthy humans carried such pretty faces. Monsters usually had uneven skin, blotches of color, hooked noses, muzzles, or beaks. They weren't perfect like humans were- so even if he had searing hate for them, he took them in, and made them his. His meal, that is.
Raw, curdling screams that bounced off of walls like ricocheting bullets against steel. They were all so beautiful to hear. But, like all things so perfect, they had to end someday. And Charlie took a sick glee in doing just that. Aside from ending their perfection, his favorite part was eating his accomplishment like a wild dog. Blood; the same colors of his joyful crimson eyes, drips down his face as he tears the flesh out of a man's slim, tan belly.

Charlie groans in bliss at the sweet, tangy, and metallic taste of fresh flesh. Warm and delectable, soft and chewy in his fanged jaws as he ripped the human piece by piece. The man's once tannish-pink skin is now near a dull, ashy brown from the blood loss. Charlie never got his name... or did he? He didn't know, all he understood when they went into the alleyway for what the man was promised would be a blowjob- was the saliva running down Charlie's chin in pure anticipation.
Personally, Charlie wished he would hear the man whimper a little bit more before he died- he did love how the poor man begged and pleaded with him for mercy. It was honestly a little cute in a pathetic kind of way. Not that Charlie cared much- he was more worried about how the human's pretty flesh would taste on his tongue.

The taste is perfect. A blend of tenderness and toughness just right. Perfect, by all means. Charlie bowed his head into the man's open stomach cavity, poking and prodding as he happily chews on a small piece of stomach fat.
There wasn't much on this man- slightly disappointing, but Chalie didn't particularly like fit or chubby men- they were usually harder to take down, plus, the meat is much too tough. And this human is just right in every way, even as Charlie yanked out a thick slab of what he knows is the liver. With his fingers, he vigorously tore chunks off of the piece of the organ to pop them into his mouth.

Humming some more, he politely wiped his face off with the human's shirt, happily smiling with his small fangs as he gazed down at his pretty, but dirty work of art. Only visible by a pathetically flickering light a few meters behind him. Charlie looked upwards to the other end of the alleyway, and he took a step onto the human's chest- having to bite his lip to prevent himself from squealing when he heard a sickening pop from the man's sternum cracking under Charlie's weight. He glanced behind him again, and quickly slipped away, his small paws leaving not a trace of his monstrous doings.


Adder has always been a quiet, awkward soul. The kind that would slink away from contact when it was given to him. He didn't hate it- he just never knew what to do with it when he got it, so he always abandoned it before he could ruin it by saying something off. Sadly, when one of his greatest friends is one hell of a social butterfly, there's no escaping when there was no one to escape to but himself.
And benign alone was just as bad as being with other people. So either way- Adder had no chance in even trying to win. Cassidy, Adder's dear friend, was talking to a particularly large and scary-looking monster. Their bulging eyes and crooked, long nose was particularly offputting to him. Not to mention the mop of deep maroon hair set on top of their head.

"Well, shit! If I had known you'd be here, I'd have brought those DVDs you gave me a while back! How the hell have you been, Ada?" Cassidy said, punching the monster in... her... arm. Ada let out a boom of laughter, her slender fingers hooking around Cassidy's shoulders as she gave the woman a warm hug. Or- at least it looked warm? Adder couldn't particularly tell with the disturbing way Ada's arms bent and curled before retracting front the embrace.
I'm just fine! And I never expected you to give me those movies back- especially since you say that every time we meet up. But hey! Who's this little thing you've got behind you? He another one of your little boy toys?"

Cassidy scoffed, blushing and giving Ada a sudden push before laughing. Adder shrouded backward, his heart catching in his throat as the glistening white eyes of Ada's slim, pale blue face latch onto his own eyes. Honestly- he wanted nothing more than to run away and hide forever- especially if he could escape the terrifying glare of two pearls staring right at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Cassidy yanks Adder in by the arm, her big smile only accentuating her plump, freckled face.
"Arent you going to introduce yourself, bud?" Adder looked to the ground and shook his head, tears nearly welling up in his eyes as he despised the look he knew Cassidy was giving her monster friend. He knew they both shared looks of embarrassment and pity on both ends before Cassidy spoke again.

"Well! This is Adder, he's the friend I've told you about. I took him with me so he could socialize a bit again, but apparently frat houses aren't his thing either. So he instead sticks by my side! Which I don't mind since I at least have a great bodyguard by my side." Cassidy teased lightly, ruffling Adder's short, spiky hair lovingly before hugging him more into her body. Which- wasn't wearing much... so his arm pressed adamantly against her thinly hidden breast.
Not that Adder was complaining- it was just a little embarrassing to be so close to a girl he liked. He scooted in a little closer, sighing as he felt Cassidy's warm body against his own.

He even looked to the side- just for a glance- and saw her cleavage through her tight little dress. That made his guts twist in a tight knot and he couldn't help but want anything more than to throw up everywhere- but he kept it cool and thankfully didn't barf up his frat house fruit punch that he only sipped of.
It was not fruit punch- only bitter disappointment.
Adder merely stared at the ground and savored the imagery of Cassidy's breasts, a deep blush spreading against his face as he merely stopped listening as the other two blabber on.

Adder always liked Cassidy a little more than a friend- ever since they started college together, he's started to see her in a different light- he especially felt that way when she ever spoke about him- or hugged him- or anything. Adder was and still is... hopelessly and painfully in love with her. It always made his heart sting a bit when she introduced a new guy to him, or when she gushed about how great and sweet they are.
Because Adder knew he could never be that big shot that Cassidy could love- even if he wanted to. Adder always wanted some semblance of whatever Cassidy gave those guys... no matter what it was. And it hurt more than anything whenever she said...

"Oh! Yeah, Adder's like a little brother to me!" That...

Misery MeatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora