Chapter 1 : A Story Begins

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It was Maggie Williams Sophomore Year of High School, and she was very excited to start sophomore year, being a freshman was nice, but she was ready to experience a new aspect of High School. She was so excited that she ended up barely being able to fall asleep the night before but eventually did, just at a pretty late time, when morning came, she suddenly heard the alarm go off, waking her up.

Maggie: "Ughh, what time is it? Huh, 8:00?! I can't believe I slept this long! I have to get ready or I'll be late"

She then heard her mom calling.

Mom: Maggie! Come eat your breakfast! You're gonna be late for school!

She quickly hurried down the stairs to see her mother, father and little sister eating breakfast.

Mom: "Good morning Sweetie!"

Dad: "Morning princess!"

Molly: "G'morning Mag!"

Maggie: "Morning Everyone!"

She sat down at the table and quickly ate her breakfast.

When she was done, she ran upstairs to take a shower, brush her teeth, got dressed and was ready to head out the door to start her first day of Sophomore Year!

Maggie: "Bye Guys!"

She left the house and was on her way to her school, She went to a pretty good school named Northside High, it was a pretty average school in her town where lots a kids went, and it was also the closest to where Maggie lived.

While Maggie was on her way to school, she bumped into a cute fluffy white bunny!


Saying that, Maggie quickly ran back home to let the bunny rest there, however, she would have to sneak the bunny inside her house as she did not want her parents to see the bunny just yet, so she snuck in her house through her back door, brought it to her room and ran off to school.

When she got there she met her best friends, Leighla and Kate.

Maggie: "Hey Girls!"

Kate & Leighla: "Hi Maggie!"

Maggie: "I saw a bunny when I was walking to school and took it home."


Leighla: "We can go to your house after school and see it!"

Maggie: "Ok sure!"

The three girls decided to talk for a little longer until finally about 5 minutes later the bell rang and they went to go find their individual classes.

When Maggie got to her class, she quickly sat down in a seat which was by a big window, A few seconds later, her math teacher, Mr. Brown walked in and started talking about the new school year, however, Maggie on the other hand was too distracted to even listen, she was staring out the window, daydreaming about how the day would go, she was so excited about showing her friends the bunny she found that she didn't even realize that Mr. Brown was talking to her!

Mr Brown: Maggie! Earth to Maggie!

His words brought her back to reality.

Maggie: Oh! Sorry Mr. Brown! Were you saying something?

Mr Brown: No, but I would like you to refrain from looking out the window. My class is inside here, not outside!

Maggie: Right! Sorry Sir.

The class chuckled at Maggie, which made her felt so embarrassed afterwards.

After what felt like a year to Maggie, the bell rang and the school day finally ended, she quickly packed her bag and headed out her classroom to find her friends. she was so excited to show them the bunny!

She found them waiting for her at Kate's classroom and they all headed out to go to Maggie's house.

When they got there, Maggie opened the door and led her friends upstairs, she opened the door and there the bunny was, it was on Maggie's bed sleeping peacefully, Maggie told her friends to not try and wake the bunny up and that they can just take a look at it.

Kate: "IT'S SO CUTEE!"

Leighla: "I KNOW RIGHT?"

Maggie: "Haha!"

The three girls decided to come up with a name for the little fella, Leighla suggested "Snowball" and Maggie and Kate agreed. After  5 minutes Kate and Leighla realized that it was getting a bit late and decided that it was time to go.

Kate: "Alright, well i'm gonna head out now, it was nice meeting Snowball Maggie!"

Leighla: "Yeah me too! My mom will freak if i'm not home by 5:30!"

Maggie: "Okay! Bye guys"

The friends said their goodbyes and Kate and Leighla left.

Soon after, Maggie's parents arrived from work, Maggie ran downstairs to show them the bunny. They were a little surprised at first because they didn't expect the first thing they would see when they arrived would be a bunny.

They allowed Maggie to keep the bunny once she could keep it under control and clean up after it, which she was pretty much able to do. Maggie was very happy that she had made a new friend.

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