Chapter One

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I shudder as I walk out of my room; my mom is passed out cold on the couch. I am debating on wether I would go for breakfast or get the hell out of here.

Apparently I am thinking for too long because my mom wakes up and looks at me. I feel my heart drop. Her eyes are furious and gleamed with the insanity of an addict.

"Bitch did you just wake me up?" She slurs, standing up.

As terrifying as she was, I'm not a gutless bitch like she makes me out to be. "No, you woke up yourself."

"Don't you talk back to me." She says, stumbling towards me.

"What are you gonna do, throw your pills at me?" I sneer.

"Bitch" She yells, raising her hand and smacking me across the face, which is followed by an eruption of stinging pain on my cheek.

She grabs my hair and brings her arm up to my stomach. The pain makes my eyes burn.

"Don't touch me." I scream, but it comes out as more of a whisper. I want to hit her back, but I can't. For some reason, part of my mind still recognizes her as my mom, despite all she had done.

I waste no time in getting out the door, hurrying down the street towards the school.

I pull out a little mirror that I always carry in my backpack. I cringe as I see the bright red handprint strewn across my face. I fumble for the small bottle of concealer in my bag and do my best to cover it up before heading to school.

It is the first day of a new school, and I definitely am not looking forward to it, but it's better than the summer, when I have to be with my mom constantly.

I enter the doors and my best friend, Mae greets me with a hug. Mae has shoulder length wavy brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. She was probably around 5'4 and very stocky—chubby,if you will.

"Soph!" She exclaims as she wraps me up in a bear hug.

My real name isSophie, but Mae liked to call me Soph, for whatever reason.

I am almost opposite to her, with my jet black hair and tall, slim frame. I like to believe that I look nothing like my mom, so I must have gotten my looks from the man she hooked up with before she broke up with her ex. Or, come to think of it, I don't really know what my mailman looked like.

   Mae and I look over our schedules. We only have Spanish and World Geography together. Literally my least favorite classes. At least I have her there to entertain me.

    After what felt like an eternity, lunch came around. All the tables were full except for one, which just so happened to have Logan Smith sitting at it.

Logan Smith, as cliche as it sounds, is what you would call the schools 'bad boy'.

He has messy dark brown hair and brown eyes, and he isn't pale or tan, just kind of normal. He doesn't dress up in leather or anything, just sweatpants and a hoodie. He's pretty hot, but not my type.

Anyway, back to reality. Since Mae and I have nowhere else to go, we sit across from him. He looks up at us. His eyes are kinda careless, and you can see the whites below his irises. Like he is always looking up through his brows.

"Hi!" Mae says to him, smiling brightly.

"Hey" he says back. Goddamn, I have never heard his voice before this, and it sounds like he has gone through puberty twice and just woke up. It isn't like—gravelly, just low and quiet.

   "Logan, right? I'm Mae and this is Sophie."

"Cool." Logan mutters, going back to eating. I notice that he had his phone out.

"I heard that Emma and Max broke up." Mae says, diverting her attention back to me.

"You know I'm not interested in relationship drama." I say.

"Yeah I know but they were dating since they were 10! They're seniors now!" Mae emphasizes. We are also seniors.

"Are you a senior, Logan?" Mae asks..

"Yeah." Logan says, looking back up at us.

"Do you like boba?" She asks.

"Never had it" He responded, not seeming to be phased by how random the question was. His lack of common social courtesy kind of scares me.

"That just feels illegal, we have to take you"

"No thanks"

"No, we're taking you. After school today, meet us at the fire hydrant."

Logan says nothing, clearly more focused on his phone.

Soon enough, the end of the day comes. I don't actually expect Logan to be waiting for us but nevertheless, he is there, on his phone.

"You actually waited!" Mae sounds equally surprised as I feel.

"Yeah." He says.

"Cool! I'm driving!" We all get into Mae's car, me in shotgun, Logan in the back, and Mae, obviously, in the drivers seat.

We get to the boba place and get our drinks, and then Mae decides to kidnap Logan and take him to the cafe.

I was fine with this, since I'd rather do anything but go home. Logan is a bit of a dick though. He doesn't laugh at any jokes or start any conversations, which kinda hurts since it made you feel like he doesn't care about what you were saying, which is probably true .

"What time do you need to go home?" I ask him.

"I don't" he responds.

"You don't need to go home?"


"Won't your parents be worried?"


"Why not?"

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