The met up

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Tyler with Miriam, priya, mei mei went to the bus stop and literally saw 4 town and they saw abby so we now know where she have been.
I saw Aaron z with only 3 to 9 fans mostly because they went to Jesse and the others.
So my friends went to the others
And I went to Aaron z, mostly there were girls with aaron z and I saw the bud was waiting!!!.
I text my friends the bus is waiting!
So I didn't have time I hug Aaron z and RUN!!.
Me and my friends almost late in till Jesse said to priya to meet us at school because they were coming to!!.
-after 2 hours of school-
It was recess
I was at the lockers with mei mei and Abby waiting for priya and Miriam, "so 4 town is coming!!" Mei mei said.
"Cool!" Said Abby
Miriam walk out the girls bathroom with priya and we saw 4 town grabs us one by one and they ran!!.
Aaron z looked at me stare for about 1 min and I kinda turn red!!
They put us down and mei mei yelled at them
After they said sorry mei mei asked "why?!?!?!"
Jesse said "we need your friends help also u"
Mei mei said "ok?"
They were thinking in till
Abby said "a little panda!"
Mei mei said" abby"
"CMON MEI" said abby
-mei turns into panda-
4 town was in shocked
Priya was touching the tail
Abby was hugging mei
And Tyler and miriam was telling Abby and priya to stop
In till mei turn in to panda.

words count:292
Chapter 2 will come like maybe In my async classes cuz I have school so ya!

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