Chapter 01

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There was something Aila had always

What's so different about Charlotte and

But she had never asked this aloud.
Everybody would surely sneer at her.

Aila Mertensia.

She was a villainess. All regarded her as
the most vile and wicked. Charlotte was
an angel, loved by all. To pose such a
question was ridiculous. Compare a
witch to a saintess?

But now that it's come to this, Aila
could not help but again wonder.

What made her so different from me
that she was comforted and accepted by
everyone while I must face such a
painful fate?

"Why did you do this?

Verner used the tip of his sword to force
Aila to lift her chin.

Her vision started to blur, and Aila tried
to blink away the haziness. Tears and
blood flowed down her cheeks.

"If I say that I didn't do it, would you
believe me?"

Her voice was hoarse and husky from all
the screaming and wailing throughout
the torture she endured. There was no
trace of her usual graceful and clear

But Verner was unmoved. He didn't
hear her pleading.

"I'll ask again. Why did you do this?"

Aila's gaze met Verner's seething blue stare. His rage was violent enough to rip through her.

Though he wanted to rip her to shreds right then and there, he struggled to suppress his fury, waiting for her to answer.

Aila smiled faintly. Oh my, my beloved can be so tender when he wants to be.

Verner Karl Lete.

He could endure anything. He was proclaimed heir to the throne shortly after his birth, and as such received all the necessary education throughout his entire life.

Verner was also an expert at masking his true cold and unfeeling nature. If needed, he did not hesitate to slip into whatever role was required.

If he ever showed any emotion or failed to be rational, it was because of Charlotte.

As he was doing now.

Aila slowly turned her head to face Charlotte.

In that moment, the blade at her throat impaled her flesh. Verner roared as he pierced his blade more firmly.

"Don't get any ideas."

He was acting like a savage beast whose territory had been invaded.

She may have been a malicious and wicked woman, but what would she be able to do in this state? He didn't even like Aila looking at Charlotte. It offended him.

Aila returned her gaze back to Verner's blue eyes and moved her lips slightly.

"Your eyes are as cold as ice. That's the only way I thought they could be."

"Plotting another one of your wicked tricks, I see. I won't hear any of it!"

"But when I saw the way you look at Charlotte, I realized how warm your eyes can be. I saw the kindling embers. And now, you're finally looking at me with the same fire. That makes me happy, Your Highness."

Though the fire in his eyes were lit by fury, what's important was that she had caused it.

"That way, at least you'll have something to remember me by when I die."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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