Authors Note.

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Seeing how this story is based off of something I've been writing about in the past, I think it would be nice if I wrote about it again. I so far wrote 4 of these, leaving this one to be number 5. I was expecting Citizen Vampire to catch up with Seattle Sorcerer, but From Another World crowned that position. Believe me, with the amount of stories I've been writing in the past, and the fact that I had to create another account to do this, yes I'm still mad about that.

However I digress. This story is about the main characters about Alpha Centauri. I don't know much about what it is, but I heard it has something to do with some galaxy outside of the Milky-way, which is our galaxy. Some people would just give up on the world we live in, because some of the stuff here is boring, but I doubt we can just give up are crap, and go somewhere far away. This planet has been here, since God's Big bang created it. However, have you seen the other planets in our galaxy? Have of them are balls of gas, when the other half have no life at all, so I'd say Earth would basically be a safer bet for you to choose if you live on a planet that has no life at all.

But that's just a theory I have to say, and an opinion. It's not like anyone from a different galaxy will agree, or disagree with me, but mostly the second choice. Now let's get on with the story I'm writing.

From Another World 5: Secret Of Alpha Centauri.Where stories live. Discover now