- Prologue -

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This can't be the end. They've faced too many battles, they've lost too many lives to lose like this. The wasteland was covered in dirt, bodies, and bright red blood. Celeste could smell rotten things littering the place. She didn't know what they were and she hoped to keep it that way. As a tall figure towered over her Celeste could feel the end drawing near. She was just too powerful, even for them. The figure above her threw back her head and cackled, a hideous sound that still sent shivers down Celeste's spine.

"Who's more powerful now, Crystal Keeper?" Agatha chuckled with her harsh voice. "You and your friends, defeated with ease."

"No," Celeste groaned, trying to rise, but her legs couldn't hold her up, making her fall back down with a thud onto the hard dirt. It hurt, but Celeste knew she had to keep fighting for the sake of the world.

"Aw, is the all mighty Celeste having trouble standing? What a pity, I was looking forward to playing with you," Agatha chuckled again, sending another wave of shivers down Celeste's spine.

Celeste turned her head where she could see her friends fighting off goblins, though they were having the same trouble as she was.

"You will never have the crystal's power," Celeste cried through gritted teeth, fighting through the pain. "I am the keeper of the black crystal, and you shall never get its power."

"Darling, you are just adorable," Agatha cackled, stretching out her long, boney arm and taking Celeste by the chin, forcing her to look up at her. Her long raven black hair fell loosely on her shoulder, her red eyes wide with bloodlust. "I've already won. Don't you see? In a matter of minutes, you and your friends will be dead."

Celeste wanted to deny it, tell her she was wrong, scream it at her. But she could see her friends having trouble. Alitha was pinned beneath a goblin, Eldra was having the same problem, her magic doing nothing to them. Felix and Fiona were also surrounded, covered in blood and bruises. They knew the end was coming, and there was only one thing left to do.

"You know what Agatha? Maybe you will kill us. We might never see the sunlight again, but you won't either. You will never win because I trust the crystals to choose new keepers that will defeat you, once and for all" Celeste cried, her throat dry. She closed her eyes and called up the last of her power.

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