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So, for starters I'd like to say I myself am a minor. If you are not a minor and reading this, just know I will find you.

And I will take your kneecaps.

There will be absolutely no smut in this book, because simply ✨why✨

Tommy is a minor, there is absolutely no reason for you to sexualize him or ANY minors.

Don't comment something like 'omg yes queen' or 'yes I respect you for not putting smut' because it's not rocket science to understand the fact he is a minor, no a person, who has boundaries.
I'm aware his birthday is coming up and he'll be 18 then, but the time frame in which this book will take place he will still be a minor.

Also, I'd like to say there's a difference between him making general 'sex' jokes and the weirdos just outright sexualizing him.

And finally, the entire reason I'm making this book is honestly more of a comfort thing for myself. Meaning the 'character/oc' in this book is largely based on me(also a minor).

Like I said, since it's based off of me, the character will use she/they pronouns. I'll try my best to make it more gender neutral but yea.
It is also 100% clear the character is a minor and if you aren't one then please get off this book and check yourself into a mental institution because you should not be here.(here meaning looking for 'romance' w/ tommy)
(A not minor is here?? Not minorrrr😄 getthefuckouttahere😡)

So yeah, that's it. Hope you enjoy :)

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