Hell Nah

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Taking a deep breath I made my way towards the half open door. A man in a black suit sat in a chair, his hair was swooped to the side and his jaw was strong but was chilled by his comforting eyes. "Hello you must be Ms. Cortes?" He gave me his hand, shaking it lightly "Yes and you're Mr. Smith" he smiled was wide.

"Please take a seat" a black leather chair sat front of his desk. Everything was well organized even his shelf's were color coronated, everything to the bone.

Adjusting his tie "So I went over your résumé never had a job huh?" I knew this question would be brought up and I had the perfect lie for it too "Uh well I never got the chance to work, you see I come from a home of a lot of children and some sucky parents" that part was true "And I basically raised them myself, education was very important for me but a job was less than anything I had in mind" figured a small lie couldn't hurt.

"We'll then sorry to hear about your folks, I've had some experience with bad parents so I know how it feels. Now Emily put in a good word for you, a good friend" knowing we could relate was very helpful. I never really spoke much about my parents to anyone, and if I did I would try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Respecting your parents is number 1 but when they treat you like trash well how can you truly believe any love is in their hearts?

"Yes Uh she informed me about that before I came here. Really surprised me but I was thankful" nodding his head his eyes dropped to a piece of paper on his desk. He read it as his face became drenched in confusion "Ms. Cortes it's say here you never graduated?" Right forgot about that.

"Sooooo... the thing is Mr. Smith, you see I was kicked out at a very young age and had to live on my own at the tender age of 17" Smith's leaned back on his chair. His hands folded over each other as he stared at me in disbelief "Ms. Cortes why don't you go home and I'll do some more rerunning. There's seems to be a bit of confusion here, I'll give you call" if he didn't like the fact my fucked up parents kicked me out and put me on the streets.

Never taught me anything and left me to learn on my own and forced me to get out of school than I'm not comfortable working here. "Is there a problem?" I sat straight up from my seat, there must've been one.

"Ms. Cortes this job requires fine academic skills, and if you don't have that then I'm sorry but you and your sources need to be put somewhere else" the fuck he mean Sources?

Dose this man think I'm only here to sell drugs. It's not my fault this company has had a long line of drug pushing but he can't blame that on me. Was it because I'm a person of color? "Sir what do you mean fucking sources?" Before raising my voice to any extent Emily swung open the door. Every inch of my body burned with anger, this white ass man was trying it on the days I didn't want to be tried "Ms. Rogers I'm in a meeting you can't just interrupt like that" I'm glad she did.

I was done with this phony ass conversation "Sorry but you have an important call on the line" his face dropped. I was ready to go, and I did so.

Getting up from my chair I stormed out of the office room and into the hall way. "Gia" Emily called for me, shutting Mr. dusty Smiths door closed. "What happened girl?" Her face became befuddled "That nasty ass man thinks I'm drug dealing... like what the fuck" I pasted up and down the hall way trying to stop myself from go in there and whooping his ass.

"Wait why?" I stopped in my tracks and walked towards Emily. My hands on my hips "Why do you think Emily? Uh? The white girl gets the job faster than I do that's for sure. And if she is selling in here oh he doesn't suspect a thing but when I come in he immediately profiles me" Emily stood there shocked.

I knew I was a bit too aggressive to her, she was trying to help. "I'm sorry I'll see if I can do anything-" cutting her off mind sentence "No Emily it's fine, im sorry for what I said and I thank you for trying but this is obviously a sign from god that this isn't the place for me. I don't have the right education and plus I'll probably sleep if I had to answer calls all day" it hadn't even been a second since I got the job and quit.

I wondered if he did this to all the other people of color in here.

Parting from Emily after making my amends anger still ran through my body. All I ever did was obey the laws as best as I could, never tried drugs and never killed anyone. Why did everyone think we were doing something wrong all the time? We were only doing our best 24/7.


"Here's his clothes for the night and tomorrow morning. I won't be home till 2:30 or so in the afternoon but feel free to use the bathroom and the kitchen, take a swim in the pool if you'll like just make sure he's asleep early tonight." Since my first job was recked I moved on to the next.

Babysitting. Taking care of someone's kids for as long as they needed than getting paid, free food and a pool. Well it didn't get much better than that "Thank you Mrs. Wane" she smiled and rushed out the door. Her pearly red heels thumped down the steps and into a car.

Eli was the kid I was babysitting tonight, he was kind and funny. I figured it wouldn't be that bad.

"Eli come here please" he ran out of his room with a toy in his hand. "Yes Ms. C?" His cute little voice made me blaze with happiness. "What do you wanna do?" He looked towards the television that played cartoon.

Sitting on my lap he jumped up and down "Music Music" he waved his hands in the air.

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