System, Rules, and Motion Submitting

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This'll be the system:

-Motions: Motions can be submitted in the first chapter, and these motions are questions that generally has a neutral ground that we can discuss and offer our opinions on. Look into the book for examples of motions(I'll probably add one or two of my own before adding readers' motion). These motions should be questions that can be answered based on common knowledge or logic itself, and shouldn't require much research to comment on. These motions will be the conversation starters

-Opinion: Readers can just read through the chapters, or a much better action would be to convey their own thought or opinion/comment on the motion and whether they side on one side or on neutral ground. I will of course always voice my own opinion after the motion has been revealed, and then the readers can put their own opinions in the comment section. Opinions that hit hard/deep can be featured in the chapter of the motion commented on.


• Be respectful: Everyone is allowed to voice their opinions. Never force an opinion upon other readers. Even though some might sound a bit unthoughtful or deranged, no one is allowed harshly criticize them. Advising people to a different opinion is allowed, but push cannot cannot go to shove.
• Use an appropriate tone and vocabulary choice: Never, NEVER, discriminate an individual or a group of people in your opinion. Any type of blunt discrimination will be strongly reprimanded. The recommended tone of writing would be formal writing. Swearing IS allowed, but too much could make some people uncomfortable, so keep it to a minimum.
• Don't spam: It's simple, don't spam.
• Don't report people: I'll be the one doing that if needed.
• A violation of any of the rules above will result in a warning. Every violating comment will be deleted. The first warning will be conveyed through private chat. The second warning I will put in the "You've been warned" list below. The third warning will lead to a 168 hour muting period and those who does this would be put in the "FINAL WARNING" list below. If a fourth warning is needed, either by more violations after muting period stops or the spread of violation of this book outside of my account/comment section, there will be a permanent mute and possible reporting based on the severity of the violation. A high violation that transcends my every expectation might lead right into the final consequence.

(I've never muted nor reported someone, so don't be the first)

You've been warned:


Submit your motion in this paragraph's comment section or the story's comment section. Reminding you again, the motion should generally have a common ground, little to no research needed to comment, and an appropriate topic to discuss that wouldn't generally cause discomfort to anybody. If your motion does not follow all of the above, there will be little to no chance of being chosen, but it will be kept in the comment section. The motion-giver will be given credit and be mentioned in the chapter.

Note: only 5 of the best reader opinions will be featured in each chapter. If there is already 5 and there is another opinion which is better than any of those, I will switch it with one of the existing ones, but the ones who were once featured will be mentioned without their opinion at the "Previously Featured" List.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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