Chapter 1

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Exhaustion was an understatement,  Raven teleported into her room immediately flopping onto the bed Robin (now Night wing )had increased their training hours after losing in a battle with the brotherhood of evil Her lower abdomen made a tearing sound meaning her wound from the fight opened up "shit "Raven mumbled as the scent of blood filled her nose followed by a paining feeling filled her body her breathing getting more heavy she got up and limped to her closet removing her clothes and putting on her Pajamas

Garfield walked to his room after an hour of TV he Strolled past Raven room only to smell the gut wrenching scent of blood coming from his teammates room at first the waved it off as period blood but the scent was strong ..too strong for his liking He stopped by her door and knocked "Raven? ..Is everything ok?" No answer which made him even more worried he morphed into An ant and crawled under the door morphing back into human form he spotted his female teammate's blood trails and traced it to the walk-in Closet Garfield entered the dimly lit room  only to see a shirtless Raven (she has a bra on!)  but that wasn't important what concerned him was the wound on her lower abdomen "Rae?"
Raven screamed in shock "Beastboy !" Her shock immediately turning into anger "what the hell is wrong with you?! Get out!"
The green shapeshifter walked closer ignoring the half demon's protests emerald eyes staring at the blood hole of a wound Raven could sense the worry guilt and anger from her teammate "Beastboy- " she was cut off by a angered glare "why didn't you tell me?" Garfield Barked angrilly staring straight into her soul "I didn't want to worry you-"
Once again she was cut off "Bullshit! Rae! I hurt you ! " Raven grabbed hold of both his hands with whatever energy she had left "Garfield! You didn't hurt me intentionally it was my fault I got in the crossfire of the fight between you and Adonis it's not your fault!" -flash back to the battle-
Adonis had teamed up with the brotherhood of evil the second he saw raven he pounced on her in beast form Beast boy couldn't stop the him on time but pounced on the monster in his beast form Raven had somehow got caught in the crossfire trying to get Melvin out of the way luckily the little girl wasn't hurt And had gone to hide behind a broken shelf with her little brothers Melvin peeped from behind the shelf only to see her guardian on the floor her eyes were closed "Raven!!!!" The young titan screamed  Earning the attention of Monsieur Mallah the mutant Gorilla charged at her luckily her imaginary bear Bobby blocked him knocking him across the battlefield Melvin nodded at Bobby as a 'thank you '
Once the battle was over Raven had teleported the kids and their imaginary protector back to the monastery and herself back into her room
the titans looked at each other confused but shrugged it off saying she probably was tired
End of flashback
Garfield stared at her green eyes filled with tears and concern "Rae we need to get cyborg" Raven shook her head "no! I'm fine-" Everything went black and she fell into his arms
Raven woke up in the infirmary and saw her teammates surrounding her with worried looks "hey guys .." she groaned softly as she tried to sit up Nightwing stopped her
" don't get up you'll rip the stitches " he gently pushes her back down Cyborg didn't look very happy he glared down at his ' little sis' harshly " want to explain why  I had to find out from Garfield that you had a hole in your stomach the size of my hand?!,  I hope you realize if it wasn't for him you would of died from blood loss!" Raven flinched at his tone Vic rarely got angry especially at her and she did not like it when he did "My body would of healed itself" she whispered softly but loud enough for him to hear with his cybernetic hearing the emotions of her teammates were overwhelming at the moment which is why she sometimes hated being an empath After her friends had turns checking on her And dealing with starfire's meltdowns and bone crushing hugs (where Beastboy had to pull her back and give the alien princess back to her fiancé) they all left to their rooms
Raven did not sleep peacefully that night.
-end of chapter-
Hey guys! Azura here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter The plot looks shit right now but it's getting there bye have a nice day/night ~Azura

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