The Beginning

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before I start this, I want to say I don't have much writing experience so if this sucks its my bad!! enjoy the story!!

Let's rewind a bit.

Back in episode 2 of Inanimate Insanity Invitational, Fan was eliminated. Why? He had gone through the file Cabby had written for him, and he confronted her about it. She had said that he shouldn't just take her stuff like that, and he should ask first. After the challenge, she had convinced the rest of the team to vote against Fan. And it worked. He was eliminated. That was where the little feud had started.

After that incident, Test Tube didn't like Cabby that much. She felt as if Cabby didn't value others, and only wanted something for her own gain. Test Tube was literally best friends with Fan, obviously she would be mad. And in episode 5 of III, she had made a rude comment flash-backing Test Tube into II2 Episode 14. The challenge was to protect an egg in any sort of contraption with items provided, and when it falls off of Crappy Cliff it must not break or receive damage. The egg with the least amount of damage wins. But in the muddle of the challenge, a little argument broke out...

"I don't want to argue anymore! It's not worth it!"

"Well, maybe it is! Especially because some people have had a bad history of protecting eggs."

Test Tube was very offended by this comment, especially because Cabby had gotten Fan eliminated and Fan was the one Test Tube blamed for the egg related things in season 2. Everything went downhill from that little interaction, until episode 7 of III.

When the teams split into 2, the Pinkers and the Thinkers, Cabby had wanted to try to redo her and Test Tubes relationship. She wanted to have a smart alliance, they were both pretty smart and can easily defeat others if they work well together. Cabby asked Test Tube, and while being hesitant, she agreed. They worked together through the challenge, and gathered information together. Near the end of the episode, they were deciding who to vote. Cabby had suggested Paintbrush, but changed her mind on saying that them and Test Tube are good friends. So, she chose Silver as a target. He didn't do much this challenge apart from bossing people around, and even if Balloon had messed up the pie crust, he would be most likely to have Immunity as always.

Spoilers for episode 7 of III (Idk if this is needed I just thought just in case)

If Test Tube had done what she had done in the actual episode, Cabby would've gotten eliminated from Test Tube exposing her files on everyone on their team. But instead, Test Tube decided to stick to Cabby's plan. Balloon got immunity, and Silver Spoon got eliminated. He was rather calm but seemed pretty mad and sad at the same time. Paintbrush seemed to be trying to hold in a little giggle. They never really enjoyed Silver being on their team, so it worked out perfectly for them. After the whole elimination, everyone went to do their own thing. Paintbrush was talking with Bow about something while laughing, and Balloon had gone over to Nickel to just talk. Cabby was walking towards Test Tube, and they were about to talk about this whole alliance until they heard some sort of noises along the beach shore. They both sneaked around some bushes to hide behind and saw that Paintbrush had left and Bow was left sitting on a rock. They watched her as she rubbed her head slightly and ripped something out of her head. Cabby and Test Tube both stared in shock as they saw Bow stare at a metal piece in her hand. They didn't know what to expect when watching Bow, but they didn't expect whatever this was.

They didn't say anything to Bow after seeing that. They both stood up and walked somewhere more..private. Once they got to a good spot, Cabby looked at Test Tube very concerned but she seemed like she was really intrigued by what had happened a couple of minutes ago.

"Test Tube, did you see that? Bow pulled metal out of her head! I can't believe that this whole time she had been a robot, I've always wondered why she made those glitchy-faces when someone mentioned Chairs or even Marshmallow. I find it interesting how she recognized these type of things and even has had the capability to show emotions! Whoever invented her must have been real clever, don't you think?"

"Yea...I didn't really expect to see that today. It seems like she has had one too many 'malfunctions' while someone mentions chairs or Marshmallow, so I think she was curious on what was happening. Should we tell anyone about this?"

"Maybe not, something can happen if we do. I'm not sure what, but I have a bad feeling if we do tell someone, somethings going to go horribly wrong."

Word Count: 845

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