Stalking Elyse

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Elyse Kinsley is scared. After leaving her twelve hour shift at the hospital, the twenty-four year old nurse had an eerie feeling that she was being followed. As she quickly walked to her one bedroom apartment, Elyse heard heavy footsteps and saw a cloaked, black figure. In a brisk jog, she made it to her apartment, slammed the door, and locked the deadbolt. If only she knew, it was already too late. The cameras surrounded her home and the laptop scanned her every move. As she slept, the person on the other side of the screen watched her tirelessly.

Everett Summers was a mysterious man. Dressed in his signature black clothing, the computer genius walked the streets in the dead of the night. His boss had given him an important task, and he was determined to complete the assignment. As he followed his subject, he saw the girl with a frightened look on her face. She ran into her house and slammed the door.

"Did you find her?" boss man asked.

"Yes," Everett says calmly," The cameras are in her house and she is being watched.

While she was drinking her morning coffee, Elyse read the daily news. Yet again, there was another murder in the paper. At first, it was a small stalking problem, then it escalated to another body being found. As the police continued to try and find the culprit, people were beginning to become paranoid, including Elyse.

"Who is that?" she asked her fellow nurse, Riley. She was referring to a man that had been a the hospital everyday this week, and he just happened to be on the same floor s Elyse.

"That's Everett Summers," Riley replied, " He comes in regularly to check on patients." Days passed, and Elyse saw the man dressed in black- who looked like the one she saw on the sidewalk- at the hospital. At first she thought it was a coincidence, then she began to feel suspicious.

In the weeks that followed. it seemed as though Everett Summers had disappeared off the face of the planet. she hadn't seen the man dressed in black, and she was beginning to relax. She had finally felt as though her life had fell into place. Until one day, Everett appeared at the hospital.

Elyse was scared. she had an eerie feeling that she was being followed. When she looked behind her, she saw the man dressed in black, wearing a ski mask. Her heart started beating wildly, and adrenaline and fear ran though her veins. she set of in a dead sprint, but the person behind her was fast. He grabbed her, and Elyse screamed loudly and wrestled with the man, but he was too strong and he drug her to a nearby alley. When he took off the ski mask, she knew who she was expecting to see, but under the mask was not Everett Summers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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