Chapter 1 THE MOVE

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Alice returns home from school, her mother calls on her and tells her to come into the living room to talk
about something important. As Alice walks into the living room she sees that her whole family is there. "sweetie," Alice sits on the couch. ''yes'' she replies. ''remember the move to Scotland we were talking about''. Alice sits in silence. '' well we are moving next week" Carol (Alice's mum) tells Alice. "WHAT!!!" Alice screams. Alice gets up and storms up to her room, her family sits with horror.


The next week for Alice is filled with goodbye parties. The day before the move all that is left in the house is boxes. Alice is mostly upset because she is going to miss the coffee shop down the road because it was her dads favourite place before he died.

As the car drives away hot tears roll down Alice's face as they drove past the coffee shop. On the plain she felt horrid.

When the car pulls up at the new house in he new town she gets a weird feeling about this place. '' mum'' Alice groans ''yes sweetheart'' Carol answered ''I don't like it here, I have a really bad feeling about this town'' '' it's just because you've got here, you'll end up loving it once you start school and meet new friends" Carol explains "maybe" said Alice.

Alice goes into the house caring a brown heavy box and walks up the stairs to look for her new bedroom. She likes the house but obviously not as much as her old house. Alice decides to pick the very top bedroom that was an attic when the other people lived there. She put her box on the ground and started dusting with a feather duster that she picked up from the dirty wooden floor.

Once her room was all clean she ran down the stairs and walked over to one of the moving people "hi, could you bring my furniture to my room, please" Alice said with a smile. "Sure, where are your boxes?" Alice showed him to her boxes and he carried them up to the top room, then she began to unpack.


Once Alice finished unpacking she asked her mum if she could have her room New York themed since that's where she used to live. Her mum was fine with it and they began to look on the internet for furniture and painters to paint her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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