Between Work

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The drudgery begins

The long hours of servitude ahead lay heavy on my mind

I indulge in my restlessness

I follow my mind's desiring to the next trivial outpouring

I fidget and I roam

I rage and I moan

A caged animal, I can take it no longer

And descend to the kitchen to boil the kettle

I am busy with something else long before the timer goes off

I ponder the world from my window

I glance at green trees, the blue sky, through windows, and across building tops

I retreat as soon as I feel I have been there too long

I pick up my guitar and play the same few chords I always do


A memory of my phone springs up from the abyss

My hands follow instinctively

I scroll... productively

The sweet scent of flowers and late summer warmth drifts in through my open window

Nature calls

And I dutifully answer

I dash to the door for a jaunt in the sun

Some Vitamin D soaking will do the trick

Rebellious lyrics rage from my headphones as I stroll 

I smile inwardly as I savour each precious step of freedom

Home again, and back at my computer

Should working be this hard?

Is this hard?

I wonder about the many intersections of my life

Past, present, future, then back again

I settle down soon after 3 when my energy starts to dwindle

I am in a race against time as I try to make up for the hours lost

Fuelled by adrenaline, I type incessantly at my keyboard as though my life depends on it

I work late, again

And make the vain proclamation that this will be the last time

Probably Covid, I reason to my subconscious self

Restrictions eased months ago

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