Candy Corn

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"Oh my god," Raf said happily as she noticed all the fall foods and decorations were on display in the store they walked in. "We finally have fall foods!"

"Well, it is October." Laziz chuckled at Raf.

"But do you know what this means?" Raf asked him with a very big smile, that slightly worried Laziz

"I do not,"

"Candy corn." Raf stated. "It means that somewhere in this store is large amounts of candy corn and I plan on buying it all."

"Candy corn?" Laziz asked Raf with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. The superior candy." Raf told him, then paused, "Wait, please tell me you have had it?"

"I have," Laziz chuckled at her concern over him trying candy. "But um, I don't really like candy corn."

Raf stopped in her tracks. Turning around and looking at her boyfriend like he had multiple heads. Which, to be fair, Raf assumed he must, to not like candy corn. "I'm sorry. I think I misheard you. What did you just say?"

"I don't like candy corn?" Laziz said hesitantly, not sure how Raf was going to react.

"What?!" Raf was completely taken aback, "How can you not like it? It's delicious."

"I don't know, it just wasn't very good." Laziz shrugged.

"Well I would be more offended but I guess this just means I don't have to share." Raf shrugged, once she realized it meant more of the candy for herself.

Once they had finished their shopping they both headed back to their apartment together. Laziz was appalled by just how much candy corn Raf bought but didn't dare say anything about it.

The two had planned a relaxing rest of the day, just cuddling on the couch and watching some movies together. Raf had made sure to grab one of her newly bought bags of candy corn before cuddling into Laziz's side. She had gotten comfortable against Laziz as the movie went on, occasionally popping more of the sweet candy in her mouth.

"What do you think you're doing?" Raf asked offended when suddenly Laziz reached into the bag to grab a piece of candy."Well you like it so much, I thought I would give it another try," She explained and then popped the piece into his mouth. "Oh wait, that's pretty good."

"No! You said you didn't like it!" Raf pouted realizing she would have to share.

"Oh come on! You basically bought out the store, surely you can share!" Laziz laughed at her.

"Fine. But only because it's you." Raf told him, extending the bag so he could take a few more pieces. "You're lucky I love you."

"Very lucky." He agreed, a smile still on his face and he leaned down to kiss Raf tenderly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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