Last Words

415 23 21

Dear Hide,
I know you are dead but I just had the urge to write you this letter, I know you will never read this so it is likely it will soon fall into someone else's hands;

Dear whoever finds this letter,
I am sorry but my life was already over before it was over. We will soon be reunited, Hide and I. Yet, I must tell you why I no longer belong in this world. I am Kaneki Ken, I am a ghoul, Please do not take my words lightly as these will be my last, this is my final love letter and it shall also be my suicide letter. That is the way of the world.

Before I hadn't noticed it, the way my heart beat faster when he was around, the way his eyes stared into mine with such love. In my eyes he was so perfect, he was beautifully created by god. I was undeserving of him and I knew it. Hide.

Anteiku had fallen, burned down. Right now my first priority was Hide. He had been hurt badly amongst the fighting. I carried him though the flames and headed to the only place I could think of. I walked down the silent street, I knew all the doves saw me but none of them stopped me. Hide was dying and it was my fault, I loved him so much.

I had pretended not to notice Touka trying to stop me, she was like a sister to me but Hide had always come first. I stopped in the street full of doves, Hide in my arms, I fell to my knees and hugged his body to me. I had never felt so alone, his still body within my arms. I trembled and noticed the warm liquid flowing from my eyes, why had he been hurt, the one I loved so much. . . Lay DEAD in my arms as the snow cascaded upon the blood covered city.

Hide, I love you and always will,

Yours Sincerely

Kaneki Ken.

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