Games and the brnb

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Games was sitting alone inside the garage of the home where the BRNB or Balls Red Not Blue would often meet.Then John Wayne the 33rd bursted through the door.John was a tall man around 6'3 he had light skin and beautiful light blue eyes.He was obsessed with keeping himself and his environment neat and tidy barely so much as a piece of dirt would be on him but today was different his clothes where in tatters the pieces that were in tact where drenched in blood.He was covered in cuts and bruise his skin was pale and had a build up of frost.John looked at Games and weakly let out "they got Rayne" he then collapsed from his wounds.As John fell the room went cold literally all the frost that had collected on his skin was released.Games didn't so much as shudder from this sudden cold wave of air instead he rushed to his injured companion insuring his was still breathing. fortunately he was, Games called the rest of the BRNB into the garage the other 6 members quickly ran into the garage.they gathered around John before anyone could speak Mr.poster stepped forth kneeled down and began using his light element to heal john. Mr.poster was a short 26 year old man and a user of the light element which naturally lead him to being the groups healer.along with being the groups healer he was also a Muslim preacher.The air in the room grew extremely heavy (again literally) everyone knew that John must have been followed and they where under attack.Before anyone could react "Love Sosa" by Keef Cheif began playing loudly a tornado rammed though the house knocking everyone around before Games hit his head knocking him out he saw a dark figure.the attacker. he then pasted out

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