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"Hey Mercutio, it's been a long time since I came here, huh?" Benvolio asked the question to no one, he was alone after all. No one bothered to visit the graves of those who didn't matter, those who were easily forgotten.

Mercutio, sadly, was one of those people. Mourned for a few days and then buried and forgotten. Forgotten by everyone, except Benvolio. How could he forget about Mercutio? His first love, he'd never forget him. Even if everyone was now focused on the recent deaths of Romeo and Juliet. He wouldn't just forget about Mercutio like everyone else.

"Romeo and Juliet are gonna have their funerals in a few days, can you believe he didn't tell us that he was married?" He talked to the grave as if Mercutio could hear him, from wherever he was. But he couldn't, Benvolio knew that. Mercutio was gone, forever.

His eyes began to water, "I miss you Mercutio." He sniffled, soon becoming angry. "It's not fair! Everyone forgot about you in a week and now it's all "Oh poor Juliet and Romeo- dying due to their families feud," you died too- because of this stupid rivalry, why does everyone forget that? Why? Why? Why?" Benvolio sobbed. Why did no one remember Mercutio? His Mercutio.

He could feel the wind blow on his face, drying his tears. Maybe Mercutio's ghost was comforting him. The thought brought a smile to his face, not for long though.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stay as long this time, Mercutio." Benvolio said as he began to stand up and walk away from the grave.

"Don't worry darling, next time we meet it will be in person." Benvolio whispered, looking up at the sky. Maybe they would bury him with Mercutio instead of in the Montague Family Tomb. Maybe.

Maybe- A Benvolio x Mercutio OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now