wow they fighting not good😪

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"FINE THEN LEAVE" this was the biggest fight me and Dream ever had before. With both of us having busy lives and poor communication skills (that one is probably on me) our relationship has gone to shambles. "GO ON, IM WAITING WALK OUT THAT DOOR AND WATCH ME NOT GIVE A FUCK"....I knew I messed up this time but it's not my fault. Yeah. He should take my feelings into consideration. I'm not going to take this. After all those nights where I listened to HIM. HIM HIM HIM. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HIM. "WELL MAYBE ITS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU. MAYBE I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS SOMETIMES" I had lost it. I couldn't help it. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN. ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT TRYING TO TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL" I can't believe him right now. He's trying to defend HIMSELF. "IF I EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO MAYBE I WOULD TELL YOU. BUT IT'S ALL 'OH I'M THIS' AND 'LISTEN TO THIS SLIGHT INCONVENIENCE THAT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. YOU SELFISH PIECE OF SHIT". I can't do this right now. I need some space. I. Need. To. Leave. I started to walk off when I heard him yell back "Wait I'm sorry. I didn't mean it! PLEASE GEORGE DON'T LEAVE I'M SO SORR-"  that's when I walked out.. I didn't want to hear his pathetic apologize. I didn't want to hear his pity. I didn't need it. I went to walk down the driveway when I heard him sniffing. How badly I wanted to turn around. But I didn't. I kept walking. I was so angry… I just couldn't deal with my emotions. So, that's when I got in my car and left. (AN:in this ff he can drive btw LMAO) I could barely see while silent tears ran down my face. I drove about a mile before stopping at an empty parking lot. By then the sun was setting and I had nowhere to go. But god, how the realisation set in. I was alone. In the *almost* dark. Stranded mentally and physically. I just sighed to myself and turned up the radio. 'Yellow' by Coldplay. Not a great song right now.

          *Dreams POV*

George had just left. Just like that. I was so hoping that he would just turn around and walk back in. But in the back of my mind I knew he wouldn't. That's when I heard the car start and my heart dropped. I went to try and stop him but I was too late. He had left.  This is all HIS fault. Maybe if he would have communicated more with me this all wouldn't have happened. What am I saying. This Is why he left in the first place.

An: heheheheh clif hanger ig. But I'll be trying to post more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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