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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, places, and events are products of the writer's imagination, and any resemblances of the events to actual events, places, or person living is entirely coincidental.

No parts of this story may be copied, produced, or distributed without the writer's consent.

Copyright © 2024 by lavenswan

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It's coming from the sound of his red motorcycle. The moment he enters the university, students from side to side immediately recognize his presence and watch him drive with eyes of admiration.

Vale Guevarra (Veyl Ge-va-ra)

The epitome of a gifted child, good student, and embodiment of masculinity captivated everyone's adoration due to his looks, intelligence, and wealth.

As Vale takes off his helmet, the gentle morning breeze starts to play with his soft curly hair. Using his available hand, he brushes aside the strands that blocked his field of vision, causing excitement among the girls who passed by.

From the parking lot, he heads straight to the library, dedicating 30 minutes to his books. This is one of the reasons why girls fall in love with him, they find it hard to resist a guy who's serious at academics.

With the help of his clear glasses, brown eyes, bushy eyebrows, pointed nose, pink pouty lips, small face, and clear medium skin. He became the apple of one's eye.

While girls around him can't help but admire him, the guys consider him as a challenge in tennis court. Having won the trophy at the men's regional tennis tournament for three consecutive years, no wonder why.

His height, his strength, and his style. It never disappointed everyone like his father did. His life appears perfect...

... but not behind the veil.

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The whole place lives in silence, except from the gentle sound of the raindrops kissing the headstone of his mother.

Holding a picture of their family, he opened the frame and took the paper from it. The paper happens to be his sister's birth certificate.

"Let me bury you sister," he whispered in nowhere.

Tears streamed down to his cheeks as he set the paper on fire in front of his mother's grave.

Before saying goodbye to his mom, the man gives the name written on the second grave a one final glance...

Valéria Guevarra (Va-ler-ya Ge-va-ra)

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Started: May 26, 2024

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