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Cam sat still as he took the last train home, blood still dripping from his now bleeding nose. The memory of the altercation he got himself into a few moments ago replaying in his head, the sound of bones crushing and sounds of pain replaying in his ears. Yes he did hurt that man, but only because that man tried to mug him, he didn't feel bad. In fact, he felt...happy? He didn't quite know how to put it, he didn't know his own emotions most of the time. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that somebody sat right next to him until they said something.

"Hey, are you...alright?" He heard as a hand was lightly placed on his shoulder, he jumped and turned his head to the person talking to him. A light murmuring could be heard as the people around them placed bets on what Cam was going to do next. The girl next to him smiled sweetly as she retracted her hand off of his shoulder.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, haha," She laughed as she scratched her neck, "But your, um, bleeding." She said as she pointed to his nose. Still looking at her, Cam pressed two of his fingers under his nose and mutters a small "shit" as he checked his pockets for a tissue.

She...handed him one? He didn't understand. Why was she being nice to him? Why him of a people? Why-

"My name's Susie by the way." Oh...OH. He's just been staring at her, did he unintentionally make this awkward. He felt like apologizing, but the was a lump in his throat and he couldn't speak. The way her eyes light up when she smiles, the way her hair rested on her head, the way she looked like a goddess...it made his heart skip a beat. She was perfect in every way...

And he HAD to have her

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