Chapter 1

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Levi POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. I sigh as I turn it off and got up. I stretch and looked at a picture of me and my dad. He died a few years ago. We were really close and was really hard for me to process. I put on my shoes quickly and brush my teeth so I wouldn't be late for school. I went downstairs and saw my mom and Luca.

Alice: "Well look who up early? I made breakfast if you want some." As she turn off the stove and got a plate for her self.

Levi: "No thanks mom, I'm not really hungry." I said as I got my backpack from the couch.

Alice: "suit yourself." She said as she took a bite from her pancake.

Then Luca got up and put his plate in the sink. Then he grabbed his backpack and we said goodbye to our mom as we walked to the bus stop. When we got there I went on my phone and waited. A few minutes later the bus came and we got on and went to school.

*At school*

As we went in the school, I said goodbye to Luca as we went ours separate ways and went to my first class which was math. I sat down in the middle of the classroom and went on my phone since the teacher wasn't there yet. Then when I looked up I saw 2 people chatting while they walked in and sat in the front. Then the teacher came and I quickly put my phone away.

While the teacher was talking I was bored so I looked around the classroom then my eyes landed on someone. One of the person who walked in with the blond girl. He had purple hair and wore everything purple. His smile was so cute. While I zoned out I heard a loud smack coming from my desk.

Teacher: "I want you to solve this equation since I just explained this, you should be able to solve this." She said as she smirked.

Levi: "I- urm-..." I stuttered. Then I quickly got up and went to the board and grab a chalk and was looking at the equation.

Shit... I knew I should of paid attention during class I thought. The teacher was glaring at me and waiting for me to solve it. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same purple boy hair putting 3 fingers up then 4. So I wrote 34 as the answer and hope he didn't set me up.

Teacher: "Well... It seems you been paying attention the whole time." "Now go back to your seat." She said as she erase the equation.

I quickly walk to my seat and sat down. Then I looked back to the purple hair boy, I saw he was looking at me and he gave me a smile. I gave him a smile back.

*after class*

I was the first one out the door as I wanted to thank the person who save me during math. I saw him walked out the classroom and quickly ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and look at me.

Levi: "Thanks for saving me during math!" I can't thank you enough!"

???: "Oh no problem!" "By the way my name is light!" He said

Levi: "I'll make it up to you one day light!" I smiled and walked to my next class which was science.

I sat in the back so the teacher won't pick on me again. Then I saw my brother Luca come in and wave for him to sit next to me. He walked over and out his bag on the floor.

Luca: "How was your first class?" "Mine sucks, I hate history." He said as he put his head on the table.

Levi: "Mine was ok, A boy saved me in math."

Luca: "Levi you need to pay more attention to your classes!" "I don't want you to be behind again..."

Before I could respond the teacher already came in and started talking.

*Time skip to lunch*

I quickly ran out of my last class and went to the cafeteria. I went in line and I was the 5 one there. A few minutes later a whole bunch of kids ran in and there was a huge line. And I saw the boy, Light walked in and I waved at him to come over here with me. He saw me and smiled and took the blond girl hand and walked over to me.

I don't know why, but I felt this feeling of hatred. Like, I wanted this girl gone. Killed... suddenly the line started to move and I got my lunch and sat down alone.

After school

I took the bus home with Luca and couldn't get the feeling off my mind. Why did I wanted to kill her? I wanted to strangle her... Why do I feel hatred to her? I don't even know her. And besides I just met that boy! I couldn't have a crush on him.

I got off the bus and walked to our house and ran up to my room and slammed the door. My mind was racing.

Kill                    Kill                        Kill
         Her        Her        Kill                             Her
Her                             Her

Over and over again. I don't know what's wrong with me? Am I going crazy! But she's trying to steal him from me! She deserves to die! I quickly snap out of it and was horrified by what I was thinking.

What is wrong with me?....

Word count: 940

I hoped you enjoy this cause I didn't!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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