Where am I?

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Hi there! I am a nobody! Who are you? Are you a nobody too? Then there's a pair of us. Don't tell- they'll banish us, you know! (E. Dickinson)

That's honestly one of my favourite poems ever and that's exactly how I feel right now, ironic isn't? And yeah I am just a nobody who doesn't know where they're are in life. And sometimes I question, what is life? Okay, I have to stop now, cause if I continue I may not stop with this questions ever...

Anyways, where am I now? Phisically I am at a train station at night waiting for my ride. Where to? ... I have No idea! Where am I mentally, I don't know, and that's exactly why I am taking a train at night to somewhere unknown and a place that I have never been to. And don't worry, I didn't run away from my family and I do have money, how?? Well you will understand that and my name and family situation later in the story if you keep reading.

The question is, why am I doing all of this all of the sudden? Well, as I said I am lost, so I need some time to myself. I've just spent too many hours of studying, revising, stressing and working at a café, so I got lost in my own consciousness. And with taking some time of I am hoping I can just have a little break from all of this.

And If you think my life is perfect, well you're wrong. It's definitely not. You'll understand why as I said later in the story, but what I can tell you us that I am quite very mentally unstable. And you may not believe me when you first see me or how I act, but it's all because I wear a mask and a wall that no one I don't want doesn't get through. There are probably two people who have gone through that wall, but you will know more about them later.

If you think you are fine and mentally okay, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're not. Nobody is. Some people have si strong walls of protection from the world that even they convinced themselves that they are okay. And because I don't wanna do that, that's exactly why I am going somewhere unknown where nobody knows my name or who I am or what I have been through. And again, even If I hide it well, I have been through a lot.

So yeah, that's the information I am giving you for now. I am standing next to a bench with a back pack on my bag, it's 8 p.m. and the whole train station is full. People coming back from work or school trying to get home as fast as possible si they can have they're long waited rest for the day.

It's already dark outside and the only sound that I can hear besides the music coming from my head phones is the silent chatter of some people who know eachother. Suddenly with my peripheral vision a see a very small figure running really fast towards me, or more towards the rails. When I turn my head around I see a really small dog running with its little legs, a blue leash being dragged by it. The dog looked like it had just seen a ghost and was running scared for its life. Then I heard it. A really terrified and scared voice yelling from the entrance of the train station.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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