
183 10 74

Smut are in PM

Characters from other fandom are accepted

Group of oc/characters for each scenario are also accepted

Op oc are not allowed...I'm kidding,of course they are,just try to have fun with them

Character from other fandom are also allowed

Try to be kind please,this is my first time

This is a group type and solo type rp

That eventually mean that you cannot invade other's rp chain without their consent

We talk in my profil's board about the type of group that will participate for each chapters

Killing a character is not forbidden but don't right away write something like"lucas stabbed alex into the stomach then opened it"try to do this like"Lucas tried to stab alex"I am the one who know if some of my characters can be affected by some type of attacks

Do not control my characters please(every person that is not your oc)

And once again,do not invade other's chain without invitation please,it annoying

Sometime if I take time replying you,that mean I'm busy

And as a wise man once said:"Have fun"

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