Only Revenge

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"It has been two years and yet we know nothing about Aspen, or whatever her real name is. She killed a graduate yesterday, do we have anything yet?" The Director-General of Police said, his stern voice sounded like a bolt of lightning has struck, a thunderous cloud that shook every single officer to his or her core.

"Elle est intelligente et Pleine de mystère, we have got a few things but they seem quite unrelated to anything. She makes 1 public appearance always in a white dress and black hat on D-Day. On the day they are murdered, one of their loved ones messages them for coffee, we know it's their loved ones from previous messages and the date and timings are finalled, somehow it's always a cafe with no cameras and more interestingly, the dead body is never found in the cafe. The only thing we can say is that she doesn't plan to stop....." Ace5092 said in his french accent, his accent was a deep one as the Director sighed deeply at the mysterious Aspen.

Aspen was just getting on a train. Paris was beautiful, though there was no time for sightseeing. She thought as she took a seat in her seat, pulling her red hoodie, her white high waist pants stretching to her knees as she took a deep breath as she looked at the door He's late again she sighed, it was not odd for him to do so. She pulled Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and started reading, Chapter 7. "I didn't know you were into reading," a familiar voice said. She raised her eyes just above the page to see the face before she kept the book down.

"You're early, you better have a good reason for coming....." she paused looking at her watch. "Two minutes before the train leaves the platform Artie," she said as she closed the door and pulled down the curtain so no one could see the two. "I'm sorry, I was bringing these glasses for you, it'll help with the eye scanner and will also enable you for instant facial recognition. My software's capabilities are going to be extended to the max with that thing," he said as he gave her the pair.

She put it on and she tested it around before a smile spread across her face like you spread jam on bread as she pulled it out. "Smart......Now, who should we go for next?" I asked him as he pulled out his laptop from his bag and started typing. "Next classmate, Hinata Takahashi from Nagasaki, Japan," he said as she nodded. "But you never told me the story behind this whole elaborate plan and what you wanna prove, wanna catch me up?" he added. "You want the whole story?" she looked at her confused. "You have time till we reach that station" he replied as she took a deep breath.

"My parents, I don't know who they are but all I know is that my foster parents raised me. They had one biological son named Leo, he was the rounder in everything- He was great at sports, a teacher's favourite and popular boy and he was a child model, walking child runways and winning pageants while I was the mad one, the mad one." I said as I looked out the window.

"My parents never understood me, treated me like I was a mad psychopath, Albert Einstein since birth. My brain never stopped working, processing things around me in a depth no human could dream of. My parents took me to many places but no one could cure me, they would only say that I was a prodigy but had autism and savant syndrome which is basically when a person has perfect knowledge of something- for me it was analysis and recall. My parents didn't want the foster mad girl to be smarter than their kid and thus they started depriving me of basic things. I barely had a childhood. But Leo, I treated him like a big brother and he was like a little sister, he was the only person that supported me" I paused, taking a deep sigh before continuing.

"It was all fine until I started middle school, the class of '93. They bullied me for literally everything- making my life a misery. They bullied me for the way I walked, my autism, my weirdness, my awkwardness. They would kick me, hurt me, abuse me in every way you possibly could imagine. I remember coming home one day limping, bloody from the injuries, my white dress all red, it was all their fault......they tortured me, making each day of my life miserable." she said as Arthur looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"Leo was by my side, every day, he would call me by singing a lullaby as I cried into his arms. One day how, ever, everything changed. He tricked me into giving me to the bullies. He betrayed me. He used my trust. I ran away from home after that and decided that I'll take revenge on every single one that has tortured me, the class of '93" she said

"That's why the list you sent to me contains student names and that's why you found me, a master hacker but honestly, when are we gonna kick Leo's butt?" Arthur asked. "In the end, the MasterCard, the final plan," she remarked with a sly grin as the train stopped, the stop was Barcelona. "Time to catch the flight to Japan, Paris had too much security for me," she said as she stood up, putting her red cape back on with her backpack on her back as the two got off to the train to their next torturer.

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