01: Stitch

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(Chapter - 1)

"Ms. Yera, a publisher wants to have a conversation with you. He says that he has the best offer for your new book." The secretary spoke up from the intercom.

"Reject it already." Yera rolled her eyes in arrogance and hung up the call.

Jang Yera is a well-known author with followers all over the world, a literary mogul. Her name is a brand in and of itself. Cameras flash, taking photographs and videos of her as she walks through the streets.

Fans cheered every time she entered and exited her company, and reporters enquired about her future projects, hoping to feed some hints to their awestruck audience, which Yera always managed to avoid owing to her fluency.

Yera's eyes landed on her 30th book's manuscript, thinking about how to flip the industry once again with her new book.

She called her secretary and instructed him, "Delay the new book for yet another month." This caused the secretary to gasp in shock. "But miss, the people..." "Tch- Don't tell me what to do Mr. Yoon." Yera spat the words and declined the call.

Jang Yera was no stranger to success. She was the sole heir of a wealthy family that had considerable power in the country's industrial sector. As a result, she thought that success was inevitable and that it would come to her.

Formal feasts, high-end apparel, top-of-the-line automobiles, and sprawling estates were not things she appreciated because she was born and raised in them.

The girl had a great interest in literature. Reading was her hobby until the fourteen-year-old decided to write a book and request her parents to get it published.

It became a career for her and she didn't hesitate to pursue it as she had immense love for literature. Writing brought her joy which sadly, her family couldn't.

She was a quiet yet scary looking girl in the school yet helped her classmates in every possible way. She wore a façade all the time, wearing a stone-cold expression on her face yet her heart was the exact opposite.

Yera was really active on social media, often sharing a laugh with the fans on various topics and memes that were generated.

Coming back to the present, Yera was updating her official website, apologising to her fans for the delay in her upcoming novel while scratching her head.

"And it's done!" Yera exclaimed while leaning back into her swivel chair rotating it around lazily while humming a tune.

"SECRETARY YOON, BRING ME A COLA AND A WHOPPER!" Yera yelled from her cabin, instructing Mr. Yoon. "SECRETARY YOON BRING ME A COLA AND A WHOPPER~" Her secretary mimicked her words in a high pitched voice.

"You should be thankful that I am not saying anything to you for the sake of dad or else I would have fired you at this immediate moment. You know this right?" Yera snorted while complaining.

"BLAH BLAH BLAH, I am going to bring that- What do you call that? Pooper?" Mr. Yoon asked, causing Yera to chuckle. "It's called a whopper not a pooper, Yoon." "Whatever it is, I am leaving." Mr. Yoon departed from her cabin, making his way out of the building to bring Yera her lunch.

"I am going to write about the president's misdeeds now." Yera spoke to herself while stretching her arms before proceeding to type on the keyboard.

"Uh, I think I need some inspiration first." Yera mumbled to herself before proceeding to pull up her office blind to see a flock of people gathering at that immediate moment, just below her office. "Ah, shit!" Yera shrieked when a fan threw her a gift which landed right on her face causing her to hiss in pain.

"You fool! What the hell did you need from outside?" Mr. Yoon entered her cabin, sprinting towards her after placing her lunch on her table, scolding her.

"I needed some inspiration- AHH!" Yera screamed when Yoon pressed onto her wound checking it. "You would require a stitch. Hope you got your inspiration." Yoon stated bitterly before leading her out of her office, towards the hospital.

To be continued...

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