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"Dude, wake up, something's wrong!"

Parker mumbled something unintelligible, rolling over to ignore Chester, who was trying to shake him awake.

"I'm scared to go alone, come with me!"

The other just nuzzled into the pillow, unresponsive as it was around 3 am, and he couldn't be bothered.

He heard Chester sigh in a defeated tone.

"Whatever." He muttered before quietly exiting the room.

Now Parker was woken up by Chester screaming and loud banging. His tired eyes shot open, his mind hazy as he frantically felt the empty space beside him on the bed.

"Chester?" He slurred, spooked, but another scream shook the remaining sleepiness from him successfully.

He stumbled out of bed, forgetting the camera, and clumsily ran out of the room. His chest gripped logic in his world of one and replaced it with the fear of this reality. In Parker's mental space these people needed help, therapy, but in Chester's view, they were monstrous. And he was right as he ran down the basement stairs.

There was a titan of a man pinning his best friend to the ground, the father of the girl they were trying to help. What was her name? Elizabeth? Doesn't matter, because he dealt a heavy slap to Chester's cheek with his abnormally large hand, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Holy shit." Parker breathed, his feet then moving before his brain could comprehend, and he found himself punching the man wildly, desperate to get him off of Chester.

"Parker, help!" His friend screamed, struggling with no avail as he was pinned to the floor, helpless and bruised.

The beast flung Parker off of him like he weighed nothing, knocking him against the nearby wall. There were black spots in his vision, his surroundings swimming as he groaned in pain. Parker heard quick shuffling, the young man yelping as he felt a hand grab his wrist which was quickly replaced with the feeling of metal clamping around it followed by the sound of a click. He rubbed his eyes, squinting as one of his wrists was cuffed to a pipe, he yanked the chain, the tug of his arm painful as the metal was uncomfortable around his wrist. Parker kept pulling, gritting his teeth and hissing as the cuff was too tight around him.

He cowered momentarily as he heard the man growl at him, then his tugs became more frantic as the monster shuffled back over to Chester.

The light from the shitty lamps showed Chester's face in the dim basement, there were large bruises manifesting on his tear streaked cheeks, finger shaped marks around his neck accompanied by a bloody busted lip. He was crawling towards Parker, who outreached his hand, but the man kicked Chester, who reverted and curled up into a ball as he hissed and whimpered, his shaking hand dropping.

Parker's tugs and yanks became desperate, the metal cutting into his wrist, causing his eyes to water. He quickly looked around for something, anything to loosen or remove the cuff, his breathing was heavy and labored as he heard Chester cry.

They were only a few feet away from each other, Parker's free arm reaching desperately for his best friend, but he was just out of reach. He saw Chester's eyes, which were always so shockingly expressive, and the water in Parker's matched the other's as Chester wept.

"Please, please stop!" Parker pleaded, tugging on his arm with no avail. "Please! Please, I'll- I'll do whatever! Please, please, not him- don't- no, no, no, no, no!" Parker frantically begged as the man started to hit Chester again, making him sob.

"Please, please, hurt me instead!" He heard his own voice shake as his throat was closing up.

The father paused, looking towards Parker as he trembled.

The Art of Losing (Chester x Parker)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora