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My love, you have no idea how deep the sea is. We were just on the shore, walking down the beach and watching the sunset, when you asked me to dive into the sea. No reason, you just wanted to explore the sea better. But I was afraid of the sea. It has unknown features and creatures. And I am scared I will wake up drowning and suffocating from the sea. But you held my hand, dove first and guided me. As we wander through the sea, I realized how it's not that scary as I imagined. Instead I found beauty in it. Wonders and colors, sea creatures and fishes. All of that I saw with my own eyes. And when we encountered a trench, we just nod along and surpass it together. That is why holding your hand, knowing the unknown, diving to the sea with you is the best decision I ever made.03/27/2022

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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