The Demon of Gamma County

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Makenna was shaking from her nervousness, but she still keep walking toward the old abandoned house at the end of the street. The fall leaves crunched under her feet loudly. As she approached the dark, gory house, she was hit by a scent so foul she thought she was going to pass out. She could taste the scent, it was so powerful. She covered her nose with her shirt and kept walking until she was standing in the kitchen. The first thing Makenna saw when she walked in told her exactly what happened. Blood. All over the cabinets, the floor, everything was covered in blood. Makenna looked in the sink then looked down at the three-month old newspaper article in her hand reading, "Two Five-Year-Olds Missing In Gamma County". She found them. Sitting in the sink. Dead. Strangely, the corpses were fresh. All of a sudden, she heard a drip. Drip. Drip. Blood dripping from the ceiling. She looked up to see a large black dog-like demon on the ceiling with blood dripping from its fangs. She screamed as the creature lunged at her. The last thing she saw before she died were the demons enormous claws and those large, bloody, dripping, fangs. She was found 20 years later, sitting in the sink, next to the five-year-olds who also fell prey to the Demon of Gamma County.

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