Strange Sex

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The Sanctum stood undisturbed, if undisturbed meant the silence excluded of your yelling. The sorcerer was currently located in the kitchen of the sanctum, spreading a blob of strawberry jam onto a slice of bread and using magic to spread peanut butter over the other.

"Yes, N/n?"

"Don't you 'Yes N/n' me!" you stomped, "Just yesterday I organised the magic archive and now there's your dirty underwear everywhere.

"Oh yea!" he pressed the two slices together, meshing the oozing jam between them, "I was trying a spell to get them to the laundry room and it didn't work so my underwear disappeared."

His soft monotonous voice seemed unbothered by the fact that his dirty undergarments were spread out across the sanctum on display. "Wong left me in charge, because he knows that you will do something catastrophic and he'll return from Kamar-Taj to a pile of rubble."

"I think it would be you who turned it into rubble considering the amount of organising you've done in the past weeks."

He was right of course. Undeniable right. The old building was close to collapsing after you were sick of the mess and began to tidy it up, dusting and rearranging books and furniture.

He was about to grab a bite of his sandwich before you took hold of his wrist, and pulled him along. "Hey!"

You use your sling ring to open a doorway to the magic archive, but it was difficult considering the dead weight you were pulling along. "Don't treat me like that!"

He retracted his hand from your grasp, rubbing his wrist which was now shaking from the aggressive contact.

"Or what?" you tilted your head to the right, raising your brow as you challenged him.

"You don't wanna know," he answered in a husky voice accompanied by a grin.

"Maybe I do," you flirted back, "Two can play at this game."

"You're not up for the challenge."

"Are you?" you coiled the chain of the eye of Agamotto around your finger as you pulled it towards you, maintaining the straining eye contact between you both.

"I was going to have a sandwich," he trailed his hands from your waist to your hips, "But I think I found something better."

"Let me remind you which one of us still has underwear," The portal in front of you switched from the scene of the archive to a view of Stephen's darkened bedroom, bed still unmade with books and coffee mugs spread across the room.

You held your hand out, physically communicating to Strange to walk backwards until he fell on his bed. Your eyes glazed hungrily across his figure, as he began to undo your cloth belt. You bent down to attack his neck as you impatiently struggled with undoing his figure as his hands found your clothed breasts.

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