Jonghyuk+Dokja+Jonghyuk part 1

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Hola so this story is about Dokja- the one that read Dokja's life. You know i really like the ending of ORV- Dokja's story is ORV so basically we can pretend Dokja is here IRL. Ahem im getting ahead of my self... Spoilers don't read unless you have read the 500+ chapters (novel)

Hah i knew you would scroll down we ain't starting yet! Get away if you don't want spoilers!

Sorry not yet! Please just go away if you don't want them...

Fine if your so serious on reading it just go down a bit more...

Maybe im ruining your mood...

Ok fine! I will start!


/Dokja's life almost came to the end but thanks to you 'Dokja' our Dokja can live once more... [END]\

"That's it?" A familiar voice said

"Come on! There has to be more!" The voice says angrily not wanting to cry

"Does he wake up! Please tell us!" The tear's filled up his eyes

"Ack sniff..." The office worker cried at the stories words

"Hey Dokja? Right?" A woman with bright orange hair spoke

"Why are you crying?" She said softly handing him a tissue

"Ah it's just a story i was reading..." He says wiping the tears away with the tissue

"Which story is it?" She asked

"Ah! Omniscient Readers Viewpoint..." He says shyly

"Hmm... I think I've read that one..." She says whilst looking to the roof to remember

"I-Its pretty cool! It has my name and a whole bunch of others names aswell!" He says pounding his chest

"P-people in the comments say Dokja and Jonghyuk belong with eachother within the story!" Dokja tries to explain the story but fails as his embarrassment went over the roof

"Haha!" The orange haired woman laughed "you! Haha!"

Dokja slightly laughed but in his heart it tightened he wandered why it hurt...

/at Dokja's apartment\

"Oof" he flopped onto his bed "I have to eat food..." Dokja didn't move "maybe... I'll... Just stay... Here..." He spoke slowly as his eyes closed

(Beep... Beep...) The sound of a hospital room makes me scared... (Beep... Beep...) I don't know why... It makes me scared and- sad like i want to cry! (Beep... Beep...) Wait where am I?

"Dokja! You idiot why did you do that!" An annoyingly familiar voice spoke

"Kim Dokja... Kim Dokja... Kim Dokja... Kim-" slap

"Shut up! Your not the only one who! ---------" the voices began to fade...

Who? Who are they?

Dokja's eyes snap open (ringringring) it was his phone

"Whose calling me... Whoa! 10 missed calls?!" He looked who called

("Dokja! Are you alright!?") Dokja lifted an eyebrow

("Dokja please respond!") "Eh?"

("HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED THE GUNSHOTS!!!!") Dokja was about to listen to the third voice message when-

(BangBang!) Dokja quickly ducked down and turned of the volume on his phone

'$h€t!' Dokja thought to himself 'what do i do!'

His mind drifted to much as his body unconsciously called someone random

'Eh? Why am i calling someone?'

(Beep! Klack! "hello? Who is this?") Dokja couldn't move but stumbled on a few words

"H-Help me!" (BangBang!) The gunshots were getting closer

{Dokja lives near the city but this place has no way to contact the police. For some unknown reason even with internet you can't call a police office}

Dokja started to cry he crawled under his bed

{His room is pretty small}

("Just stay calm... Why didn't you call the police?")

"N-no one can here!" He whisper shouted

("... And where is here?") Dokja just realised it was a man he was talking to

"Ahem... I-" (Crack) he paused

"Th-the door..."

("... Be quiet...")

Dokja slowed down his breathing "I know your here~"

/phone call other end\

("Th-the door...") Who exactly is this man? He called me but he just called some random persons number!

"... Be quiet..." Why do i wanna help them?

"What's wrong sir?"

"Find the person on the phone with me..."

"Eh b-but sir!-"

"Do it now!" He snarled at the man

{Who could this possible be?}

Whoa thank you for reading- hope you weren't to annoyed by me! Guess {who could it possible be?} Please continue to read with me and hope you didn't spoil your self!

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